Chapter 19: Defend

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Darryn's POV

Herobrine's dark, evil, corrupted voice boomed toward me. "STOP!" He screamed. Herobrine flung a lightning bolt at me, the purple beam narrowly missed me. Instead, it blew a crater into the ground. 'Just like Downsville...' I thought. I reached Erin, and pulled her up. "We gotta go!" I yelled over the roar of the wind. She shook her head, unable to form words. I took that as a yes. I grabbed her hand and began to sprint into the forest, trying desperately to get into the safety of the forest.

Before I could reach the safety of the trees, Herobrine appeared in front of me with and evil grin. A massive fire exploded behind him, incinerating the trees. He pulled out a enchanted diamond sword. I gulped, and ran the other way. Erin finally snapped out of her shock and teleported away somewhere. At least she was safe. I ran as fast as I could, my leg muscles screaming to stop. Herobrine laughed maniacally and threw another lighting bolt. In my desperation to dodge, I tripped over a tree trunk and fell.

I scrambled to get up, but I kept slipping, as the ground was covered with mushroom moss. The lightning bolt hit about a block to my left, throwing dirt into my face and blocks on top of me. A section of tree landed on top of me, pinning me to the ground. My eyes widened in fear as Herobrine's shadow fell upon me. This was it. I was going to be killed by Herobrine.

Erin's POV
I watched in terror from my perch on the birch tree. My new friend Darryn had risked his life to save me. And now he was going to die. For me. I can't fight father. He's too strong, I told myself. 'No.' A voice deep inside me said. 'That man is not your father. You are an incredibly gifted ender child. Fight for your friend.' A sudden wave of confidence over took me. I can do this. Herobrine was getting closer to Darryn, a fireball in his hand increasing in size. I gritted my teeth. It's time to see what I can do.

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