Chapter 23: Destiny

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A ball of purple light expanded in front of Erin, growing brighter and bigger. With a flick of her wrist, it flew toward herobrine, ready to destroy it's target. It connected with his arm, creating a cloud of purple smoke that enveloped Herobrine. Erin grinned triumphantly. Darryn cheered from the ground. The cloud began to spark mysteriously. The entire thing sizzled with electricity, and exploded. Lightning bolts blasted from it in every direction, all tainted purple. Two hit Erin, knocking her out of the sky and sending her plummeting to the ground.

Darryn narrowly dodged a bolt and ran toward Erin, but he was cut of by a wave of lightning. She hit the ground hard, taking a lot of damage. Darryn cried out: "No! Erin!" He again tried to run to her un-moving body, but was again stopped. Erin struggled up, her clothes burnt and torn by the lightning and her body smoking. She opened her eyes, now purple irises instead of glowing, then collapsed back down. Darryn watched in horror. Herobrine teleported to in front of him. "NOW, WHERE WERE WE?" He asked grinning evily, holding an enchanted diamond sword. Darryn gulped, and feably drew his own sword. A single, incredibly fast slice from Herobrine sent it flying away. The maniac laughed crazily. "Nice try." His mocked, lifting his sword above his head. Darryn's eyes grew wide, as he knew he was going to die. He lifted his arm to try to block the stab, to try to get away, anything! He frantically stumbled backward, Herobrine slowly following sword lifted and a evil smile on his face.

Darryn stumbled over his own feet, and he fell. For the second time today he was completely at Herobrine's mercy. "No!" He chocked out, terror his only emotion. Herobrine slammed his foot down on Darryn's stomach to prevent his escape, causing Darryn to draw his last breath early. The reflection of a lightning bolt off the sword blinded Darryn, imparing his vision. He could still see a flash of purple though from behind him. "Its too late..." He strained, wincing in pain. The purple flash was followed by a explosion of flames from the same spot. Herobrine laughed and stabbed at Darryn, but stopped with look of shock.

Herobrine then crumpled to the ground, courtesy of the stab from the flat side of a dark red blade. Attached to the sword was a girl. Using the last of his power, Herobrine teleported away, bleeding posionus purple blood. The girl smirked. She had lava red hair, pulled into a braid dotted with red gems. Her firey red eyes seemed to laugh, and her red and yellow warriors outfit fit perfectly. Darryn also noted with shock that she had phoenix wings spread wide being her. "Need a hand?" Princess Blaise of the Nether asked, grinning.

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