Chapter 34: The Return

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Herobrine laughed and stood up, pulling the red sword out of his chest. The wound instantly healed itself.

"Thought I was a good guy did you?" Herobrine laughed evily. "Thank you for bringing out the true side of my nature. It was you, Blaise. For that, I must thank you." He summoned his sword to him, holding one in each hand. One lava red, the other obsidian black.

Blaise backed up, angry and confused. Derek and Erin gasped at the figure. Leo and Darryn bit their lips in hope. "Give me my sword, monster, and we shall duel to the death. Unless you are a coward." Blaise taunted, fists balled and teeth clenched.

"A monster does not fight fair." Herobrine laughed, lunging at Blaise. She leaped out of the way, flying upwards. "Fly away little birdy, fly away!" Herobrine cackled. "But a birds greatest enemy is a rock!" With that, a huge chunk of rock burst from the ground and flew rapidly at Blaise.

There was no time to evade. The chunk of rock, nearly 10 by 10 blocks, slammed into her. Her wings folded, and she fell to the ground. Derek looked on in horror, jumping up to help. Erin did the same, eyes glowing. Darryn and Leo held them back.

"Wait!" Darryn yelled, barely restraining the girl. "Derek! Listen to me! If you intervene, you will certainly kill Blaise! You have to listen to me! Listen!!" Leo gripped Derek's shoulders tightly. The programmer fought valiantly against him, but in the end gave up. He glared at Leo. "What." He said flatly. "Listen and listen closely. I need you to..." Leo whispered, in Derek's ear and he nodded. The programmer ran to his makeshift hut.

Herobrine walked casually to where Blaise fell. "The great princess of the Nether has had her wings clipped!" Herobrine laughed. He spun the blades in his hands, making a ominous whirring sound. When he reached her, she was trying to scramble away, but his strong boot came down hard on her stomach, trapping her.

The blades continued spinning. He smiled evily. "Looks like the tables have turned." His dark voice echoed around the barren field. He raised her own blade above his head. "Time to finish what I started all those years ago." He whispered, an insane smile creeping across his face.

Just for a second, he halted. His eyes flashed white, and his grin froze. Then he shook his head, blinking and gritting his teeth. The smile returned. He coughed suddenly, and clutched his chest. "No! NO!" He screamed, stumbling backwards, throwing both blades down to the ground.

Blaise lept up. She grabbed her sword, but threw it down again when she looked at him. Herobrine's eyes flashed purple, and he seemed to be fighting with a ghost; flailing around, screaming, and punching. He stopped, eyes wide, and dropped to the ground.

A faint whisper escaped his lips. "I will get you daughter of the Nether. I w-will....D-d-destroy...y-y-y-y-you....." With a gasp and a sudden jerk, Herobrine stopped moving completely. Blaise knelt beside him, grasping his hand. She under stood what happened, and how horrible she had been to him. "Hero?" She asked weakly, shaking him. "Herobrine!"

She shook his shoulders. "I'm so sorry.... I know it wasn't you....I'm so sorry.." She kept repeating, hanging her head. A single lava red bead rolled down her cheek and splashed onto Herobrine's chest. Erin, Leo and Darryn watched, horrified, saddened, and crushed. The plan had failed.
"I thought for sure..." Leo whispered. Darryn nodded grimly, his eyes sadly staring. "It's not your fault." He said. "But it is. I-I suggested the match." Leo bit his lips. "I've killed him." He said grimly. Erin was crying hard. She hid her face and turned away.

Blaise was sobbing. The strong, brave Nether goddess was, for the first time in her life, really truly crying. She shed tears over things before. But now... Her whole body shook, and she loudly sobbed on Herobrine's chest. "I'm" She feably muttered. "You've said that before....." A ever so faint voice whispered back.

Blaise sat bolt upright. "Did you..." She asked, hoping, daring. A weak smile crept across his face. "It's hard to die with you making all that noise." The voice whispered again. Blaise's heart leaped to the sky as Herobrine's white, pure eyes fluttered open and met hers.

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