Chapter 3: Sheath

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The town of Sheath was very prosperous. With nearly 30 humans, it was one of the most prosperous villages of the inhabited world. There were miners, enchanters, builders, blacksmiths, soldiers, enderchildren, doctors and inventors, all united and working together. Sheath was the town that created the highly complicated device that traps monsters and disarms them of their damaging abilities.

Many incredibly bright people lived in Sheath. But there was one in particular that was smarter and craftier then all the others. He did not create inventions out of Redstone as the others did. He believed there was a potential in their world no one had tapped into. He had researched this mysterious potential all of his life. And finally, he had broken through failure. His heart raced as he tried his experiment. "The letter t..." He murmered to himself as he pressed a small square on a device of his. This device had never been seen before in Sheath or anywhere else. He created it.

It was a technology that was powered not by Redstone, but by lightning. It had many buttons on it and each had a different figure on it. He pressed the button that looked like a cross with the top cut off. A long gray box came up in his vision. "Yes! Yes it's working!" He pressed more keys. A series of the strange letters came up in the box. "I've done it!" He exclaimed joyfuly. His hands shook as he grabbed the book he had found in a temple buried deep under the earth. Reading from it, he typed the first command in the book. /spawn chicken. His hands trembled as he pressed the enter key.

Instantly, a chicken appeared in his room. It appeared very confused for a moment, then it began exploring. The next command was more complicated. /give Arnie arrow 1. An arrow immediately appeared in his inventory. As the chicken clucked in the background, Arnie was overjoyed. "Yes! Yes! Unlimited power is mine!" Arnie cackled, laughing evily.

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