Chapter 10: Destruction

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Darryn's POV
Things are happening. Big things. Strange new mobs are roaming the land. The sky will turn red for hours at a time. Lightning strikes even in the middle of the day when the sky is clear. Fires are destroying entire villages.

An alliance of ours, Downsville, has been wiped off the face of the earth. Adventures went to see what happened. Strange craters were gouged into the earth, like a extremely powerful ghast was there. What was once a prosperous town is now a wasteland.

The biggest thing that has happened though is people are dissapering. They go outside the village and are never heard from again. I think that's what happened to Leo. One thing has been terrifying though: there are rumors. Terrible rumors of something no one thought possible. They say Herobrine is once again free.

Everyone is terrified. I'm worried, but I want to know what's going on. All the animals in the village seem to be tense, as if they know something we don't. Leon has been growling a lot lately. Mostly looking towards the woods. I don't know what's going on. If Herobrine is back, someone needs to do something about it. He was beaten twice before. He can be beaten again.

I feel like all that's happening is connected to Leo's dissaperance. If it is, I'll get to the bottom of it if it's the last thing I do.

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