Chapter 6: Revenge

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Darryn's Journal: page 54. 218 days after spawn.
It had been four nights since Leon had gone beserk. I tried valliently to leave the city, but the guards won't let anyone out unless they have the mayors orders. The next day, I searched through the woods, hills, and rivers extensively. I found nothing. I went nearly 300 chunks in all directions from the village. Not even a trace of Leo was found. Leon is so depressed. Darian was his best friend, his brother in fact. He sits in dejection over in the corner of the house near the chests all day. If Cartoonsandstuff is alive, I have to find him. He has to. But all I can do is hope.

Page 57: 221 days after spawn.
It's been a week. There's no hope. I have finally accepted that fact. I want to know what happened. He was more then a capable fighter. And with Darian... I just can't fathom it. He was the best PVPer in the whole village of Terria. Mobs were no problem for him. I just don't understand. A lot of people have been visiting lately to check on me. Even though I can and have been getting food for myself, people have been bringing me snacks. Loafs of bread, steak, cookies, even a whole cake. A girl named Alexis has been visiting a lot, bringing me food and comforting me. She is real nice. She even promised to help me search the day after The Night. The Night I lost my best friend.

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