Chatted 16: Divide

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"There's no other option!" The large man argued. "In order to eliminate Herobrine we have to rewrite the system!" A woman stood up. "There are people in there! You can't just delete the system!" She pounded her fist on the table.

Derek cleared his throat. "He's interwoven in the system. It would take days to remove him. What do you propose, Mya?" He asked calmly. The girl named Mya frowned and sat back down. "I don't know. But we can't just erase lives." She said. The large man shook his head. "They're not real lives! They're computer generated. If we were to delete them, nothing would happen. Just restart the system."

Mya's eyes lit up. "As vice chairman of this operation I refuse to have anyone, especially you Lorenzo, order me around. We are not erasing the system. It would take weeks to rewrite the corrupted code anyway. Forget it." She said defiantly. "Mya be reasonable!" Lorenzo exclaimed. "Reasonable? Reasonable! Why I ought to-" "Hold it!" Derek exclaimed, slamming his palms on the table.

"This is getting us nowhere. Does anyone have any ideas? Anyone? Even the slightest hint would help." He questioned, looking into the eyes of the board members. A woman raised her hand. "Raven? What's your idea." The shy woman spoke softly. "I've heard that we could alter the game from within the game, right?" The group nodded. "Well, what if we were to kill Herobrine from inside? Then he would-" "Absolutely not!!! That's incredibly dangerous! Someone could get killed!" Lorenzo exploded.

"Lorenzo! You have no right to interrupt like that! Another outburst like that and I will remove you from this discussion!" Derek yelled, glaring at him. Lorenzo sat down, frowning. Derek turned to Mya. "However, he's right. What you propose is extremely dangerous. As an absolute last resort we will enter the game. Until then, we need all the programmers we have. We're going to try to take Herobrine out without rewriting the game." Derek said, standing up.

Everyone nodded, stood, and began to leave, conversing about the decision. Derek watched then grimly. He knew this wouldn't work, but they had to try, didn't they? He shook his head. Whatever Herobrine was going to do, it would ultimately destroy Minecraft. Or maybe he would try to control the system again. Only time would tell. Derek slipped out of the room and walked to his office. It was time to return to Minecraft.

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