Chapter 21: Reconnaissance

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Leo's POV
I laughed as Herobrine placed another iron block. He had just recently relearned the task, and it was funny watching him do it. He had built a rectangle out of iron earlier, and was now trying to construct a house. I went over to help him.

Eventually we finished, and we sat down on some blocks to rest. We talked at length about the over world, and about what could be happening. It was incredible. He had regained much more of his memory, thanks to me, and kept remembering more. He had recently remembered all of his fighting skills, and I must say, he's incredible! I can't keep up with him. "Hey Leo." He said, turning to me. "Wassup homie." I joked. He grinned. "I was wondering: if I'm the real herobrine, and what you say is true, then who was the other one?" He asked, pursing his lips. I sighed. "I don't know. I've thought a lot about it too. But I can't come up with anything." I said, shrugging. The giant zombie lumbered over. It moaned loudly. "Yes, yes I know." Herobrine said, flying up to it's head. "Some day we will all leave. But for now be patient." He patted it, and it walked away.

That was another thing. The mobs. They were all creatures that were at one point in the world. Why are they here now? Herobrine flew back to me. "Never mind him." He said, laughing. "He's just lonely. Like I was until you came. Thanks for being my friend." He smiled, putting his arm around my shoulder. I laughed. "Back at you mate." We sat there for awhile, watching the mobs run and play with each other. Since I got here they've gotten more energetic too. Herobrine suddenly stood up. "Thats it!!!" He yelled. I jumped in surprise. "What's what?" I asked, dumbfounded. "I know what's going on in the over world!" I stared at him in shock. "Really? What???" He shook his head. "No time to explain. We have to figure out a way to get there!!!! Otherwise all of Minecraft will be destroyed!"

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