Chapter 30: The Final Chapter

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Derek, Archie, and Darth fell out of the portal. Darth clucked in alarm. Herobrine, Erin and the rest of the group watched, confused. Derek stood up, and brushed himself off. "OK people. I assume you all know what's going on, right?" He said, placing his hands on his hips. Everyone just looked around blankly.

"Ummm. No? And who are you?" Darryn asked. Derek sighed. "I'm Derek, a lead programmer at Mojang. You all know about the duplicate Herobrine right?" Most of the group nodded except for Archie, who was watching in complete bewilderment. "Wait. Duplicate? Is in....more then two?" Leo asked, eyes wide. Derek nodded.

"To the best of my knowledge, there's about seven different Herobrine's, counting the original one. Well, you." Derek said, pausing to look at him. The group gasped. "Seven!!! How on earth is there seven!" Blaise demanded. Derek shook his head. "Let's keep it simple and say Notch ****** up."

(Captain America jumps out of the portal "LANGUAGE." He steps back into it)

"Uh..." Erin says, looking at the portal. "Never mind that." Derek said, shaking his head. "We've got to stop the virus before it gets to the Core." He said, shaking his head. Leo frowned. "The Core? What's that?" Blaise flared her wings suddenly, and everyone jumped. "It's the very center of Minecraft. You have to cut through bedrock itself, then fall for 7,000 blocks. Then you will reach the Core."

Herobrine nodded. "If you can reach it, the power of Notch is said to be yours, and any wish you have will be granted." Derek shook his head. "Simply put, its the main matrix of the game. From there you can edit any part of it to suit your needs." All looked grim. Darth gave a sollom cluck.

"This virus is the most powerful thing in this world. If we fail, the entire world will literally collapse in on itself." Blaise said, her fire red eyes sparkling. "Um, what are we calling this thing? Herorus? It needs a name." Darryn stated, almost smiling. Derek looked up in surprise. "Herobrine and the virus are two totally unconnected things." He stated, almost worried. "I think you better keep talking Derek." Leo said grimly.

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