Chapter 29: Reunion

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Leo's POV

I tumbled out of the portal and hit my head. "Owww..." I moaned, laying flat on my back in the grass. A voice called out suddenly. "L-l-l-leo?!?!?" I recognized that voice. I stood up in shock, brushing myself off. My eyes bugged out when I saw him. "D-darryn? Is that you?" I asked. "Leo!" He yelled, his eyes lighting up. We both ran forward at the same time and embraced. "Where have you been buddy??? What happened?" He asked, grabbing my shoulders. "It's a long story. I'm so happy to see you again!" I said, laughing. Then I noticed the two girls. "I haven't had the pleasure yet. Who are these two?" I asked, grinning mischievously. "Oh!" He said, turning.

Darryn gestured to a girl about my height, with long black hair, a long dark purple dress, and purple eyes. "This is Erin. She's an enderchild." He explained. I gasped in surprise. "I've never met a enderchild before. I'm Leo." I said, shaking her hand. She smiled warmly. "It's nice to meet you." She said. I looked curiously to the other girl. She was dressed in a yellow and gold warriors outfit, had a dark red sword in her hand, and had her red, braided hair decorated with gems.

Blaise's red eyes seemed to examine me: like she was sizing me up for a fight. "And this is?" I asked, nudging Darryn. "Blaise, this is my friend Leo. Leo, meet Blaise, princess of the Nether." Before I could reply, Blaise corrected Darryn. "I'm queen, actually." Her voice was mesmerizing, like a lava waterfall flowing over layers of netherack. I grinned, impressed. "Your majesty, it's a pleasure." I said, bowing.

Blaise laughed. "Oh stop it. I don't like that kind of thing." She said, walking over, grabbing my hand, and pulling me up. I laughed. "Ok. Would you prefer just Blaise?" I asked, looking right at her swirling red eyes. It was like lava, gently cascading down...I pulled my arm away, realizing I was still holding her hand. "Yes, I would." I must have looked awkward, because she shook her head smiling, silently accepting my apology.

I turned back to Darryn. "It's about time you got a girlfriend." I said, clapping my hand on his shoulder. He jumped back and yelled in unison with Blaise and Erin. "Girlfriend!!!" They all started talking at once, not so calmly explaining. "He's not my boyfriend! T-they're just people I met! Darryn's my boyfriend? Ha!" They said, all with different tones. I laughed hysterically, tears nearly forming in my eyes. As I struggled to regain my composure, Darryn glared at me, Erin was blushed hard, and Blaise was watching me with distain. "S-sorry..." I apologized, chuckling. I patted Darryn on the back. "Although, she is kinda cute." I elbowed him gently in the ribs. He hit me over the head. Erin and Blaise turned to each other and asked: "She?"

Darryn rolled his eyes. "It's good to have you back, Hoodie." He said. I grinned. "It's good to be back, Chicken." Blaise raised her eyebrows questionly. "Chicken?" She asked, confused. I chuckled. "Well, back when we were kids, Darryn decided to go looking for flowers in the woods. See, he was always kind of a-" "SO!" Darryn interrupted, clearing his throat. Blaise glanced knowingly at me, smiling. Darryn continued. "Wasn't there someone else that fell out of the portal?" He asked. I gasped. "Oh! I forgot!" I ran back over to the trees where Herobrine lay. "Hey! Are you OK?" I shook him. He was laying face down in the grass. "Hero?" I asked, worried. He must have hit his head when he fell out. Darryn, Erin, and Blaise all rushed over to help. Herobrine slowly lifted his head, his eyes still shut tightly. "Ouch..." He said as his eyes fluttered open. Three loud gasps came from behind me. I turned to see Darryn and the the two girls standing farther back then before, all with weapons drawn. They all had shocked looks on their faces. "He's back!" Blaise yelled, fireballs appearing in her hand and levitating around her sword. "Uh, guys?" I asked nervously.

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