Chapter 9: Darkness

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Unknown POV
Surrounded by nothingness. Hour after hour, day after day, month after month. Maybe year after year. I don't know how long I've been here. There are a few other beings with me. A horse of sorts made of bone. A massive zombie like creature. A skeleton riding a pig. There are others. They all simply wander around doing nothing. We all have faint memories of some other time, when we had a purpose. We can all talk to each other, although we never say anything. We all are trying to remember why we are here. Or how long we've been here. Or who we are.

I very faintly remember something. I was a zombie. No, a human. I lived in a made of some strange cracked stone. With waterfalls. No. Not water. Lava. There were people in my.....castle. Yes a castle. Those people, wait. Were they people? No....they were.....monsters? No....I don't know. But they were there. There was something that I did. Something that caused a problem. I don't remember what I did or what the problem was.
But I caused a great amount of chaos.

Then there was fire. Lots of fire and explosions. My castle was destroyed. I died like all of the people there. No, I didn't. I lived. I ran away and.....and.....I lived in a cave. Yes a cave! It had a insect there....a spider! It told me to.....what? What did it tell me? I dont know. I remember a castle. A different one, a bigger one. With monsters. Large powerful ones that listened to me. I made it. Things tried to get me. My monsters defeated them. Then what? My castle was....was....attacked. A very strong person came. He hurt me very badly.

Did I die? Yes I did.

No I didn't. I did survive. I was brought back to life by a....a...a....I don't know! Something saved me. Then I remember......I went to take care of the powerful man. We fought.....and....and...he pushed me into a....a....wall. No, a hole. A portal.

Then I was here. What does this mean? I feel like I'm missing huge parts of my story. Massive parts. And who was I? Nothing comes to me. One name nags at the back of my mind though. Something with a warrior....and water. A warrior of water? No..a hero. I was a hero. Yes. Hero....hero.....brine. My name is Herobrine.

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