Chapter 17: Alliance

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Darryn smiled as he shook Erin's hand. "So." He said, letting go. " You're an Enderchild." Erin stepped back sharply. "Wha-wha-what? H-how d-d-do you k-know?" She stammered. Darryn grinned casually. "Your purple eyes, the way the tree exploded, you teleporting...I've heard about your kind before." He shrugged. "It must be pretty cool."

Erin gulped nervously. She'd have to be more carefully about freely giving her identity away. "Yeah, I guess it's OK..." Darryn's smile dissapered. "Ooups. I've also heard Enderchildren don't like talking about their powers. Sorry!" Darryn sheepishly said, blushing. Erin relaxed and laughed. "It's OK. I don't really mind." Darryn sighed happily. "Oh good. I thought you'd teleport me upside down into a tree." They both laughed.

"Walk with me, will ya?" Darryn said, slowly walking through the forest. "Do you live in a village near here?" He asked, grinning at her. "Well, no I actually, well..." Erin muttered, looking away. "Yeah?" Darryn said. "I actually dont-"

A sudden explosion interrupted her. The ground shook violently, throwing Erin and Darryn down. A crack of thunder exploded from beyond, a white bolt of lightning snaking across the sudden blood red sky. Erin clawed at the ground terrified, her eyes wide. Darryn clenched his teeth, and muttered a word she couldn't hear. The eerie howl of the wind was deafening. A blinding flash of lightning exploded in front of the two. Left behind was a man who Darryn had heard about his whole life. A man who was legendary and extremely dangerous. Except he was different. This Herobrine had purple eyes.

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