The Finality Of Death: Chapter X

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A poor listless soul sat in darkness. His thoughts were scrambled, his life erased, his memory forgotten. Once a warlord of the olden days in Minecraft, he still wore rememants of his golden armor and elaborate cloak. The fighting spirit drained from him, he simply sat.

Not blinking, not looking, not even breathing. Not alive. A blip of light appeared in front of him. A form fell from it, and the color dissapered again, leaving the world a dark grey. The two haunted souls nodded, and they passed ways. Another lost creature, forever doomed to sit in silence and darkness.

Will our heroes meet this fate? One small mistake would doom our friends to the same end. Here, there is no Notch to re code them. There is no hero to charge in and rescue them. There is no glitches to reopen the portal to life. No escape is truely no escape.

Only a miracle can bring back a dead one, and that's only if they died very recently. In the heat of battle, there is no chance for survival or revival, as the choice may be. No cpr to restart the pixelated heart. No mouth to mouth to restore the golden blue breath of life. No chances of survival.

Alone in a dark world, a small animal sits sadly. He remembers not, he cares not of what he's forgotten. He only grasps onto a small, vauge remembering. A person, dressed in blue. A friend. A explosion. Then expelled into darkness forever. A small whine could have been heard from him had the world had sound. Darien sat sadly alone.

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