Chapter 27: Darkness Falls

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Several Days Earlier....
Archie's bloodshot eyes bored holes into the ancient text. The Darth watched carefully. Archie sat, slumped over and silent. Darth squawked suddenly as his friend leaped up and yelled. "Yesss! Mwahahahahaha! The command for ultimate power is RIGHT HERE!" He laughed maniacally, rushing over to his keyboard.

With not so acute precision, Archie sloppily pressed buttons and typed in a incredibly long string of commands. Darth watched all this with concern. He strutted over to him, and tried to get Archie to stop, pecking the man and clucking rapidly. He paid no attention. With a evil gleam in his eyes, Archie pressed the large rectangle button.

Instantly the ground began to shake violently, throwing everyone in the village on the ground. Lightning crashed rapidly all around Archie's house, surrounding it in craters. The sky turned pitch black even though it was mid day. Then all was still.

Archie stood up shaking. What had he just done? He tottered over to the keyboard, which was completely destroyed and smoking hot. As he mourned his equipment, Darth watched with alarm. A strange, black cloud began to emit from the device, forming a figure behind Archie. Darth clucked in alarm. The figure had blood red eyes, and three long clawed fingers on each of its four arms. A maniac grin formed on its mouth, its sharp white teeth glistening. Archie turned around, and nearly fainted. "WhaAAA- I NO D-D-DONT STOP IM INNOCENT!!!" He screached, flailing around. Darth hid under the book shelf.

The figure grabbed Arnie's arm, its long claws digging into his skin. "I have no want for you." The figure hissed, its dark, evil voice overpowering Arnie. "I do, however, wisssh to thank you. You sssummoned me and now I can once again wreck havoc on the world. Kudosss to you, fair man." With that, it turned back into a cloud and released Arnie. "Farewell...." It said, still grinning. It shot a single black beam at the door, which exploded violently. With a single quick swoosh, the beast was gone.

Arnie ran frantically out into the village. He had to tell some one. Had to warn them. Had to give them a chance against this monster. He stumbled over the crater holes, and ran for the center of town. As he turned a corner, he slammed into a large figure. Falling on his behind, Arnie looked up frantically into the eyes of Derek Grey.

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