Chapter 32: A Final Chance

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The group sat huddled around a table. Even Darth was watching with keen interest. "Here's how it is." Derek said, pointing to a book. "This here tells of a time when the world was plagued by a similar problem. The great virus was awake, and prowling through Minecraft, searching for poor souls to force to work for him. He had ammassed an army."

Blaise raised a eyebrow. This wasn't the story she was told as a child, but she kept quiet. "Where did this thing come from?" Leo asked, looking around. Derek frowned.

"Back in the day, Notch banished the virus himself, expelling it to the darker lands." Herobrine leaned over to to Darryn and whispered: "The Darker Lands are the void of the world's combined. Only one person from each universe can occupy it. Usually it's the worst villan or threat." Darryn nodded gratefully.

Derek continued. "Then, thanks to our friend in the house over there..." He pointed to the only house that was successfully completed with Archie in it. "The virus was released. He somehow got his hands on a keyboard, hacked into the world programming, and glitched the Virus free."

Everyone was silent for a minute. "So..." Erin's shy voice spoke up. "If we can get it back to the Darker Lands..." "The world will be safe." Leo finished. "How are we supposed to stop a power hungry monster bent on destruction and death." Darryn asked, frowning. "With this." Derek said, and held up a grey block. "I'm talking end of the world and powerfully weapons. *Pause* And you have a rock." Darryn said sarcastically.

"It's not a rock." Derek looked up to the sky and shook his head. Erin craned her neck to see what he was looking at, but didn't see anything. "It's a high tech device that can make the Virus defenseless, built by Notch himself." Leo looked at it with interest. Blaise looked surprised. "How?" She asked flatly.

"It renders the coding to him a alpha frequency which can be neutralized by another alpha frequency, which in turn can-" Darryn held up his hand. "English. Please." Derek looked up at the sky again and sighed. Erin still couldn't see anything up there.

"Throw at virus. Virus go weak. Someone punch virus. Virus go bye-bye." Derek said flatly, looking at Darryn. Darryn looked at the sky. Erin was getting rather frustrated by this act, as she craned her neck again. Leo watched with a smile. Herobrine watched with a frown.

"The Virus isn't the issue then." He suddenly spoke up, breaking up Darryn and Derek's argument. "If there are seven of....(he paused for a moment, looking at the ground and back up) me..then we need to deal with that first. If they get near the virus, their power is enhanced. The virus can probably controll them too." He said, crossing his arms.

"That's just what we need. An army of you under controll by a dangerous villan." Blaise spat, suddenly anrgy. Herobrine blinked in surprise, then bowed his head sadly. "Sorry..." He whispered, only loud enough for Leo (who was standing beside him) to hear.

"Ok, that's it. You two need to settle this. I propose a 1 on 1 match between you two. To the death." Leo said, glaring at Blaise. "Deal." She said instantly. The whole group, including Herobrine, looked on in shock. "B-b-b-but.." Erin stammered. "There's no other way." Leo said flatly, no signs of sarcasm showing on his face.

"Someone needs to go."

Leo was a bit harsh, dontcha think? Who do you think is gonna be the unlucky one that loses? Only one can survive...

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