Chapter 14: Darth

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"See here, Darth. This is what I can do." Arnie rubbed his hands together, showing the chicken. "Bawk?" Darth asked in confusion. Arnie shook his head. "Simply watch." He pressed a button on his board. A gray transparent bar appeared floating mid air. Arnie typed more characters, all of which appeared in the bar. They looked like this: / give Arnie egg. Arnie pressed another key. A egg suddenly appeared in Arnie's hand.

"See Darth? It gave me an egg!" He proudly said, holding it out. "Bawk." Darth replied, looking very interested. "Bok baac bawk?" He asked, flapping over to Arnie. "Of course my friend. Keep it. I suppose you do need a friend." Arnie smiled, handing over the egg to Darth, who stashed it deep in his warm feathers. Darth then hopped over to his bed and placed the egg snug under the covers. He hopped back to Arnie.

"Bawk? Bock bock baaaawk?" He asked, tilting his head. "Not quite yet. I must try a few other things. But as soon as it is perfected," Arnie said, a sparkle appearing in his eye. "We will be able to rule all of Minecraft!" Arnie said gleefully. "Baaawk!" Darth cheered.

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