Chapter 31: Redemption

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Blaise flared her ruby wings wide, and dove; her deep red sword flashing in the sun. The solid obsidian sword met the attack, parring and flashing up to catch the strap holding Blaise's outfit tightly to her. As she flew away, Erin leaped away, giving herself more room. She prepared for another blow.

With a thought, Erin had all the blocks around her prepared to launch at a moments notice. Blaise looped around and tightened her dive, speeding across the landscape just over the trees. Erin gritted her teeth. Seconds before impact, Erin leaped high into the air with the ender essence, and over Blaise. She spun, and landed behind her. Blaise turned sharply to meet the challenge.

Erin grinned and a wall burst from the ground, causing Blaise no small amount of pain as she slammed into it. More dirt flew, and a solid square engulfed the Princess of the Nether.

All was still for a moment. Then, in a blast of fire, Blaise exploded out of the cube and spiraled upward. She hovered for a moment, majestic and rather angry. Then regaining her senses, she dove powerfully toward Erin.
Erin concentrated hard, focusing on Blaise. With a blast of Ender power, she teleported onto Blaise's back. She dipped and flared her wings, not expecting the sudden weight. Erin held her sword high above her head, and stabbed Blaise's heart.

Or would have, if it was a serious match. Blaise instead spiraled down to the ground, laughing. "Ya know, you're a pretty good fighter. Almost as good as me." Erin giggled. "My father taught me some skills before he..." She trailed off, her smile disappearing.

Blaise frowned sadly. "Yeah. I know." The finished their descent silently. When the touched down, Erin jumped off and smiled halfheartedly. "Nice match. You are definitely worthy of the Nether throne." Blaise shrugged. "Yeah, I have some tricks." Both girls giggled, their troubles nearly forgotten.

As they walked back to camp, the two talked. "I'm glad Derek suggested sparring practice. I needed to spread my wings and attack something. Trees just don't work when you make a forest fire in the process." Blaise joked, laughing. "Yeah. It also helps sharpen our skills." Erin said, casually placing her hand on her obsidian swords hilt.

Herobrine watched from a distance. He had been trying to put up buildings, but he simply wasn't focused on his task. The first house leaned at an angle and had strange protrusions sticking from it. Herobrine constructed another using his Ender Force, not really watching.
"Uh, Hero?" Leo walked up behind him. "What if two people simply can't get along? What if it's simply fate for me to be hated?" The Glitch asked, shaking his head. "Well, I believe-" Leo tried. "I don't want it to be this way. I'm truly sorry." Leo frowned. "One thing you could do-" "I just simply don't see the point. Why do i try to make friends? What if...what if my code glitches again and I turn evil?" Herobrine asked, summoning a red rose from the field to his left and looking at it sadly.

Leo sighed. "If that happens, we would-" "but I mean, I guess it's fate. I don't have a choice." Hero said, throwing the flower to the ground. Leo closed his mouth, frustrated. "I don't know." He shrugged his shoulders and walked away, leaving Herobrine alone with his newly created statue of Blaise.

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