Chapter 15: Conquerer

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Unknown POV
I gritted my teeth as I saw the eyes. It was him. The one who put me through that green portal and sent me here. "Herobrine!" I yelled up at him. He did not move. I took a step back, confused. Wasn't this the one who had attacked me before? Yet here I was, trapped in this deep hole where he could kill me easily, but he simply stood there looking down. I quickly built my way up with the iron blocks. He continued to watch me.

When I got to the top, I lept off the tower and tackled him, drawing my sword and puting it to his throat. "What do you want?" I demanded. His eyes showed me fear, and he suddenly started thrashing. "Stop!!! Help meee!! I....I nooo! Stop!!" His voice was different.

I eventually got him to stop thrashing. I got off of him, but rolled away in case it was a ploy. I kept my sword drawn. He started thrashing again, yelling gibberish. This wasn't the same person, I quickly realized. "Nooo!!" He screamed. "Don't kill me again!!! Please!!! Darknia! Save meee!" He howled. Darknia. That name sounded familiar but I didn't know why. I rushed over to him and pinned down his arms. "Herobrine. Herobrine. Stop. It's OK!" I yelled over him.

He stopped and looked into my eyes. " know....herobrine?" He asked. He was breathing hard. I pulled him up to a sitting position and let go of him. "Yes I do. What happened to you?" I asked, watching him. His face darkened.

"Fire. People. Large shiny headed man....he put me.  Put me into green colors. I get here." He muttered. He looked up at me. "You know herobrine?" He asked again. "Yeah." I muttered, thinking. "Shiny headed man...did he have hair?" I asked. Herobrine blinked. "Hair?" He tilted his head. "Fuzzy stuff that grows on your head. You have some right there." I patted his hair. He looked confused and reached up to touch it. "Hair! I has hair! Hair hair hair hair!" He said, jumping up while rubbing his head. "Herobrine. Listen to me. Did the man have hair?" I asked him, trying not to smile.

"Haaaaaaiiiiirrrr." He said, still concerned with his head. "Herobrine. Focus. Did the man who pushed you into green colors have hair?" He frowned. "Noo....but he had hair on his face. Dark hair."  He said. I nodded. "Was his name Notch?" I asked. Herobrine jumped like he was struck by lightning. "NOTCH!! Yes! Notch was his name! Notch was mean! Notch put me here!" He yelled, jumping around. I tightened my lips. This wasn't good. If this was the original Herobrine.... Then who was the one that attacked me?

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