Chapter 18: Return To Ender

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Darryn's POV
I gritted my teeth. This man was extremely dangerous. He was probably the reason of all the chaos. I stayed laying down and inched behind a tree. I don't think he saw me. I glanced over at Erin. She was frozen, eyes wide and shaking. Laying on the ground, she was a vulnerable target. Since she was about 30 blocks away, I had to act fast. Drawing my sword, I prepared to face Herobrine.

Erin's POV
I layed there in shock. My father was right in front of me. But something was different. His eyes were purple, his clothes were ragged, and he had a much different aura then before. He emitted an evil purple glow, instead of his passive soothing aura. He looked around savagely, scanning the landscape for any signs of life. There was only seconds until he saw me. Did I want him to? I missed him already. However, this wasn't my father. At least, he's changed. I had to get away!

Darryn's POV
Herobrine was about to see Erin. I had to move now. Grabbing my potion of speed, I drank it and sprinted from behind the tree. According to my calculations, I had about- "You!" Herobrine yelled. Scratch that last thought. He saw me.

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