Chapter 20: Action

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Derek's POV
I stood there in shock. "You mean..." I stammered, unable to believe what I just heard. Notch nodded grimly. "Herobrine has complete control over the system. We cannot do anything." He said, shaking his head. I could barely process what he had just stated. "Then how-" I asked, still shocked. "Can we possibly..." I gestured to a computer. "Fix it?" I questioned. Notch's face stayed stone like. "There is only one option now." He said grimly. I gasped. "There has to be another way! Jeb, the whole team, they're good! Can't they-" I trailed off, already realizing.

"There is no other way Derek. It's time." The king of Minecraft said, standing up from behind his desk. I nodded grimly. "Derek Grey, now's the time. Assemble the Warriors." He said. I nodded, and turned on my heels and strode out. The warriors of Minecraft needed to be organized. If there's any way to take down Herobrine, it would be through these people. The incredibly skilled fighters of Minecraft. I smiled. Its time for action.

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