Chapter 33: Grudge Match

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The rest of the group tried desperately to convince Leo and Blaise not to carry through with the match. Both refused. Darryn finally wrestled him from the others. "Leo! This is madness!" Darryn hissed, gripping his friend's arm tightly. "Are you intentionally trying to kill off our group???" Leo gave his friend a smile.

"Some one has to go." Leo said, a glint in his eyes. "Have you gone insane? We need everyone we can get! What's wrong with you?!?" Darryn demanded, his grip getting tighter. "Darryn. Someone. Has. To. Go." Leo nodded, a confident grin on his face.

Darryn shook his head. "I don't know what your problem is. You can't do this! I'll stop you!" Leo's smile got bigger. "Darryn. Someone. Has to GO." Leo whispered. "And you know you have a crush on Blaise so you wouldn't dare fight her." Leo's smile got even bigger. Blaise looked surprised. Everyone else tried not to smile. Herobrine still looked gloomy.

A look of confused anger arose on Darryn's face. "But I don't...OH!" His eyes lit up and he smiled too. "I totally agree. Uh, go ahead Blaise, uh....(Darryn gulped and took a deep breath) d-dear..." He got extremely red in the face. Blaise's face got red too, partly from anger and partly from embarrassment.

With more people for the fight then against it, (Erin didn't want to be counted at all) the match was set. A grassy field was chosen, and Herobrine was forced into armor and given a sword. He didn't say a word, just looked incredibly sad.

Blaise unsheathed her lava red sword and put on Iron armor. "Time for revenge." She said, fire in her eyes. The opponents stood at a 20 block distance, staring each other down. Then, Blaise flared her wings, and rose to the air. The match had begun.

Herobrine stood, still as a statue. Blaise swooped down to the ground, doing a tricky spiral to throw him off as she charged him. He simply blinked and vanished, reappearing at the other end of the field. Blaise muttered a curse in Underground, the language all people of the Nether speak.

She spun around and charged him again. He teleported once again. Blaise was furious, turning again and flying toward him at nearly mach speed. And so it went. Blaise flew, Hero teleported, never letting her touch him but never attacking himself.

Blaise had worked herself into a mad rage. "COWARD!" She bellowed. Herobrine flinched. "SNIVELING WIMP! FIGHT LIKE YOU DID AGAINST MY FAMILY! MY FAMILY YOU KILLED!" She screamed, swooping at him again. Herobrine was nearly in tears.

It took all of Darryn and Leo's strength not to leap up and cry out 'STOP!' They watched in silence, breath bated. As Blaise swooped again, Hero raised his blade to block. The impact sent him flying backwards, his sword flying far away.

Blaise hovered over him. "Now, you murderer! Die!!!" She raised her sword above her to plunge it into his chest. Herobrine closed his eyes. As the sword came down, Hero's eyes flashed purple. The sword stuck fast in his chest.

Erin screamed. Derek watched in unbelief. Leo and Darryn bit their lips. Blaise stood triumphant. But Herobrine's eyes stayed purple. No blood came from the wound. He smiled and opened his mouth. "Princess Blaise. A pleasure to meet you again."

The voice that came out was not the Herobrine they knew. It was deeper, dripping with venom and evil. Leo's plan had worked. Herobrine's code had glitched.

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