Chapter Twenty Six: Frosty the Angewomon

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When everyone was awake, they noticed JewelBeemon. Kyle and Fumiko got their Digivices ready. Their grip tightened when JewelBeemon turned in their direction.

"Yaamon, go!"

"Gummymon, cream him!"



The Digimon changed shape as Anna spoke. "If things go according to the pattern, only you can take this guy down, Tay."

Tay nodded. She hoped that no one would notice the fear in her eyes. For once, the darkness seemed like a good thing.

"Gatomon, can you help me with this crystal annoyance?" Tay questioned, turning to the sillhouette of her partner.

"Of course, Tay. Don't expect anything less," Gatomon replied.

Tay smiled slightly. It felt good to have comforting friends like this.


"Why did this guy have to show up at 2 AM anyways?" Astamon pouted outside.

Rapidmon's sassy side wanted to roll her mechanical eyes. "You didn't question why we got sucked into this mess, but you wonder about an angry bug trying to blow us off the face of the world just past midnight?!"

Astamon ignored the comment. It may have been payback for all of his own sassy remarks. "Rapid Fire!"

JewelBeemon swatted it away with ease. "Well, Your Highness, you sure do have an attitude."

Astamon's Impmon side stuck up its nose in disgust. Evil bugs could be real pains.

"Tri-Beam!" Rapidmon exclaimed. JewelBeemon's data fuzzed, but ultimately returned to normal.

"You fool! There is but one person who can defeat me, and they are some sort of angel!" JewelBeemon smirked.

"Is Tay an angel and we don't know it!?" Rapidmon asked in confusion. Astamon tried not to face palm.

"He means Gatomon's ultimate form, you dimwit!" Astamon fired back. The insult had just as much power as one of his bullets.

Rapidmon made a mental note to mess with him after the fight. Even if they were just heads, you could do a lot with your mouth.


"Things out there don't look good! Can they digivolve now?" Kyle asked for what seemed like the hundredth time.

Ceya groaned in anger. "I'm going to say it's fine, but only because if you say that again, my hand will leave a perfect red mark on your face!"

"Woah there, tiger," Maia giggled, patting the angry girl's face. Ceya hissed in warning at the entertained girl.

"Kyle has a point. DIGIMON, UNITE!!" Raegan yelled with a finger point to the door of the cave.

"The only thing that could make this conversation better would be if Ceya had slapped Kyle," Anna laughed, almost hysterically.









Kaez winced. "The number of screams right then was defeaning."

"Oh yeah. Your crest power is super hearing," Maia said nervously.

The ten remaining Digimon sprung for the opening of the cave. It was quite miraculous that they all fit through the opening at once.

Tay began to run out, but Fumiko caught her hand. "It's dangerous out there," Fumiko told Tay seriously.

Tay pulled her hand away. "That doesn't matter. All of the Digimon are out there fighting, and it's because of me. The least I can do is help a little bit."

The look in Tay's eyes told Fumiko that the former wasn't backing down on this. Fumiko sighed. "I guess that this is your job, being the Inheritor of Kindness and all."

Tay saw the world around her grow brighter. Everyone's supporting faces reached her eyes, making her smile with joy.

"Inheritor of Kindness, Keeper of Loyalty, let the shadows threatening you be banished forever. I'm counting on you...Tay."

The moment the voice hit Tay's ears, she knew it was Fumiko. The girl's lips hadn't moved, but it was somehow her voice.

"I won't let you down," Tay whispered, walking out into the starry night. "Fumiko."

As soon as her foot hit the sand, JewelBeemon glanced down. Tay wasn't the least bit frightened, however.

She thrust her Digivice skyward, light illuminating the area. "You, dark one, must be brought down. And it shall be my hands that your evil shall fall."

Gatomon felt fuzzy all of a sudden, like the world was blurring. Oddly enough, the fuzz felt almost right.


When the light and fuzz faded, an angel flew before them. FrozenAngewomon was colored the same as Angewomon, but colored with blue and silver.

"She's magnificent," Tay whispered. "I have a right to be proud, I guess."

"Evil, let your shadowy deeds end here! I shall see to it by command of my partner that you are brought down." FrozenAngewomon prepared an attack.

"Frozen Faith!" The icy blast hit JewelBeemon's armor, splintering it. The bug was in shock.

"You are the angel I've been searching for! Hiding all this time as a cowardly kitten!" JewelBeemon yelled fiercely.

"That attack did much more than you suspected, evil spirit. It will scatter the data of you, shadowed one, until it is nonexistent." FrozenAngewomon smirked, a painted grin of genuine happiness across her half masked face.

JewelBeemon could feel the effects kicking in. He was fuzzing like what had happened with Rapidmon's attack had done earlier. He gasped in surprise as his metal feet turned into data, scattering at an unbelievable rate.

Tay looked at the disappearing figure coldly. "I want you to know that I have no regrets on bringing you down."

JewelBeemon's data was entirely gone now, and the group watched as the colored bits flew into the starry sky.

"It's kind of pretty," Anna breathed.

"And it feels pretty good to know there's one less creature hunting you down," Ceya laughed.

"I haven't seen you laugh like that in...ever," Jimmee joked. He was answered with an elbow poke in his upper arm. The boy rubbed his wound, ego damaged by the blonde's pointy elbow.

"What now?" Raegan asked.

"Sleep. I think I might fall over," Sam groaned, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

Here you are!
I don't have a preview this time since I have no idea what's coming up next, but I'll figure it out. XD
See you guys!

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