Introduction and part 1

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Sumedh ( hero ) - A new college student . Want to take revenge with his father's killer ( Sidharth) .
Mallika ( heroin ) - Studies in a college . Sister of Siddharth and Kinshuk , loves them very much .
Siddharth - A gangster . Older brother of mallika and Kinshuk , loves them alot .
Kinshuk - Younger brother of Siddharth and Mallika , loves them alot . Helps Siddharth as a gangster . Lover of Shivya . Just given an examination of engineering .
Shivya - Lover of Kinshuk . Just given an examination of engineering.
Avneet - Younger sister of Sumedh . She also wants revenge from Siddharth .
Two men were sitting in a meeting cabin .
First man - I know , we both are very old and strong enemy . But , it doesn't meant that we can't be friends Mr. Vasudev Mudgalkar ( he is sumedh's father ) .
Vasudev - Yes , it can be . But , can I ask that why you want to become my friend Mr. Siddharth .
Siddharth - I can't tell this .
In his mind - Because I have 2 family members to take care of . And I can't take any risk .
Vasudev - ( in his mind ) I know what you are thinking Mr. Siddharth 😏😏. That was what I want . You are my enemy and could never be my friend . I will kill you as well as your loving sister and brother dear .
Siddharth - What did you decided Mr. ?
Vasudev - Ya , I am okay with this deal .
Siddharth - Thankyou Mr. Vasudev . I am leaving now.
He came out of his cabin .
Kinshuk - What happened bro ? Is deal done ?
Siddharth - Yes kinshuk .
Kinshuk - okay 😊
In his mind - What ?? He accepted ?? How can he ? I can't believe .
Siddharth - Come kinshuk . I am going . ( He left )
Kinshuk was also going but suddenly he hears some sounds coming from the cabin . He started hearing it.
Vasudev - ( to himself ) That stupid Siddharth thought that I accepted his deal . He can't even think that what can I do with him and his family ( evil laugh ) .
Kinshuk - Oh God !! I should tell this to Siddharth bro .
Kinshuk told everything to Siddharth . And he got very much hearing this as he spoke to kill his family . So he directly went to his cabin with his gun and started firing on him . He was almost dead as there was no chance to live . Then Siddharth and Kinshuk went from there . Then , Vasudev called his son ( Sumedh , he was in America now . )
Sumedh - Hello dad ! How are you ?
Vasudev -
Sumedh - What happened dad ? Is everything right ?
Vasudev - Noo... Be..ta.. I am half dead .
Sumedh - whatt ?? Who did this dad ? I am coming .
Vasudev - Li..ste ..nn a . Bo..yy... .. Si.ddh..arth.. shooted me ..
After saying this much he died .
Sumedh - He lloo dad... Hello ..
In mind - I will not leave that bloody Siddharth . Siddharth , keep waiting , I will be coming soon .

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