Truth or dare

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Rahul's POV:

Me - David listened all the things that I was telling to my right hand man . Now he will everything to sumedh .

Rahul's Man - And what if sumedh told this to Mallika .

Rahul - He can't . He knows that she will trust him . But I am thinking about Siddharth . What if he knows about it . I know that he will also not beleive but I am damn sure that he will be with sumedh and mallika as they are married now .

Rahul's man - We have to do something before sumedh tell this to them .

Rahul - You are right .

Rahul's POV end :

Narrator's POV :

They started playing truth and dare . The bottle spinned and stopped at kartik.

Avneet - Yess!!!
Truth or dare ...

Kartik - Dare !!!!

Avneet - Let me give you dare . So apologize to me .

Kartik - For what ?

Avneet - Don't act innocent . Apologize for what you did when we were playing red hand .

Kartik - But that was just a game . I didn't did anything wrong Chachiiii....

Mallika - What are you saying avneet ?? Just take that as a game and give another dare .

Avneet - Miku... But what’s wrong in apologizing .

Mallika - That's also right !! Kartik , apologize .

Kartik - But..

Mallika - No but , just apologize .

Kartik - Okay sorr...

He was cutted off by avneet .

Avneet - Umm.. wait say like this “ Avneet dii I am so sorry . I will never repeat this mistake again .” Say ....

Kartik - Okkk... Avneet dii I am so so.rry.. I will never repeat this mistake again . Happy ??

Avneet - I am still not satisfied but okay you are forgiven .

Mallika - Done !!! Now let's spin this again .

The bottle spinned again and stopped pointing towards avneet .

Mallika - So avneet , Truth or dare ???

Avneet - Truth

Mallika - Umm.. do you .....  love someone ??

Avneet’s eyes wide opened . She looked towards Siddharth . Who seemed like he don't cares . But he cares . Maybe his eyes are not on avneet but his full concentration is on her .

Avneet - Uhh... N--

Mallika - No lies .

Avneet - Y-ess....

Mallika - Whom ??

Avneet - One question completed .

Mallika - Ohh God !!! No problem . Let's spin it again .

The bottle spinned and again stopped at Avneet .

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