Burned food

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Basant - Let's eat Sumedh’s HAND MADE food .

They all burst out laughing and headed towards kitchen .

Mallika - Serve now .

Sumedh - But you sa...

Monica - Are you serving or not ?

Sumedh - S-erving mam

Monica - Good

They all giggled silently while Sumedh started serving with a cute pout .

Sumedh - I have one advice for you all .

Siddharth - Go ahead .

Sumedh glared at Siddharth .

Sumedh - I was not asking for permission but was telling . That you all might regret after eating it so better you all not eat this .

Mallika - Don't teach us what to do and what not to do .

Sumedh - Why are you all treating me like this ? Am I a member of this house or not ?

Mallika - For now you are not .

Avneet  - Okay ok you can continue this later but first let me taste it . I can't wait for eating now after having such a tired day .

When Avneet put a spoon full of food in her mouth she made a disgusted face .

Avneet - Eww.... Is this even a food ?

Sumedh - I already warned you but what can I do now ?

Mallika - You will eat it now ?

Sumedh’s eyes wide opened .

Sumedh - Me ??

Mallika - Yeah you !!

Sumedh - Now way

Monica - You have made it na don't you believe in yourself .

Sumedh - I believe but not for this .

Avneet - Can someone please make something else to eat ?

Sumedh - I am not gonna make ....

Mallika - No need for it I knew that it will surely happen so we already ordered food . Let's eat that .

Avneet - Ohh God !! Did you gave punishment to him or me ?

Mallika - We didn't told you to eat the food ? Did we ?

Monica - Of course not !!!

Sumedh - Then what about this burned food ? Should I give it to street dogs ?

Mallika - Throw it in dustbin do you want those street dogs to suffer . I bet sure they will get sick after eating this .

Basant - Or we can store this for our enemy also .

Siddharth - Nice idea !! No need to throw it just put it in a safe place . Maybe we will need it .

He said smirking .

Monica - Let's eat now .

They they all started eating .

After dinner .

Mallika - So what did you learned today dear ?

Sumedh - Not to take any responsibility .

Monica - What ?

Sumedh - I mean not to take anyone's hardships yours .

Mallika - Yeah !!! Let's sleep now I am tired today . And also I have many things to do tomorrow .

Mallika said smiling to Monica and Avneet which they returned will a nod .

Sumedh - Which thing ?

Mallika - Don't you know ladies have many work . You just go out sit in your comfortable chair and rest all time but we , we have to do house chores , prepare dinner blah blah .....

Sumedh - Okay okay Mom I will never ever ask you this question again okay ?

Mallika - Hmm.. you better not Good night *yawn* I am going to my dreamland .

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