Real Truth

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Sumedh’s POV :
Now I am at my office talking with my one of the man , David . He told me that he is gonna tell me something very important .

Sumedh’s POV end :

David - Actually boss , when I was there I saw Rahul talking with his right hand man . He was talking about that day when Kinshuk was died .

Flashback :

David's POV :

I heard some talks and followed them . I saw Rahul talking with his man about Kinshuk’s death .

Rahul - Sumedh is soo.. dumb . He acts like he knows everything but he doesn't even know the reality . He thinks that kinshuk was died by his gunshot . But he was wrong he was not died by that .

Rahul’s man - But boss , I didn't understood . How did you trapped them ?

Rahul - Ohh !! That was so easy . I know Mallika very well . I know that she will never marry someone who destroyed her family . That what I did . At that place , where kinshuk died , none of them knows that I was also there . I was hiding behind the building . I thought that I will kill Siddharth but suddenly kinshuk saw me . He was about to take his gun out and shoot me but I already shot him . Later , i thought that i will be caught . But then I saw that sumedh had also shooted at that time at kinshuk , but he shot behind him intentionally . But all of them now think that sumedh killed kinshuk , including mallika . So now , which I need to do is......

David's POV end :

Flashback over :

David - Just then , Rahul's right hand man saw me and I escaped from there .

Sumedh - Okay you can go now .

David bowed to sumedh and left the room .

Sumedh - So now I got everything . My bullet was passed by kinshuk and was buried in the tree . And the bullet which got kinshuk was not mine , that was of Rahul .
I don't know what is he going to do the next but I will make it sure that it will fail .

Mallika’s side :

Mallika - I am getting bored *cute pout*

Siddharth - Then what should we do now ?

Kartik - Then let's play something .

Avneet - What ? If it's red hand then i will never play .

Kartik - It's not red hand . It's truth or dare .

Mallika - Yesss....

Siddharth - Okay !!!

Avneet - Umm.... If you all are playing then okay .

Kartik - Okay so will the bottle now .

Then game started .
Bottle spinned and stopped at kartik .

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