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Once Sumedh was walking through a lane . Suddenly he heard someone calling him , when he turns he saw an old man .
Sumedh - Hello uncle . How do you know me ?
Old man - I know you , as I was your father's watchman .
Sumedh - Ohh !!
Old man - Sumedh , I heard that you killed Siddharth’s brother Kinshuk ?
Sumedh - Yes , you heard right .
Old man - But why did you killed him ?
Sumedh - Because he killed my father .
Old man - No beta you are wrong .
Sumedh - How can you say that . He only killed my father , my father only spoke that to me .
Old man - You are right . He killed your father , but that was your father's fault not his .
Sumedh - What the hell ?? Was you my father's watchman or that Siddharth’s ?
Old man - You don't believe me beta but I have proof .
Sumedh - What ?? Show it to me .
Old man - Come with me .
Then that old man showed Sumedh that day's clip . And after watching that Sumedh was filled with guilt so he thanked that old man for showing him truth and decided to say soory to Siddharth and Mallika .
Next day he went to their house with Avneet . There was nobody . He called Mallika’s name and just that some guards came and pointed gun towards him and avneet too . Then , Siddharth came down .
Siddharth - Now why did you both came here , to show sympathy on us , or does anything is left .
Sumedh - No Siddharth , actually I don't know the truth that time . So , I did that by mistake .
Siddharth - Mistake ??? What did you called it ?? Mistake huhh ???
Sumedh - I .. I am.. sorry am sorry Siddharth .
Siddharth - Just stop your fake act in front of me . I know you are good actor as you fooled my sister previously as she is too inocent . But I am not like her . And secondly , you were obviously thinking that why I didn't did anything till now to you and this your sister because she stopped me to do this . And you know why ?? She did this because she loves you from the core of her heart and you... you just played with feelings .            
Mallika - No bhaiya you are wrong . Now I don't love him , I just hate him only HATE and he too deserves that . He killed someone's brother as well as love too .                                               
Sumedh eyes got filled after listening these words from Mallika’s mouth as he didn't expected this .                         
Siddharth - What does she had done wrong with you ?? You have to take revenge on me so take it with me . Why did you brought them between us ?? You know ?? You are just like your FATHER .. You both are of same category . You and your father never care about someone's felling and you.... Avneet don't dare to show me your face again . Now get lost from my eyes .
Avneet was trying to say something but she can't as Siddharth ordered this guards to their them outside . When they left the house Mallika started crying bitterly thinking about Kinshuk and Shivya too as she was admitted in hospital as she got heart attack after listening about Kinshuk’s death . Siddharth tries to calm down Mallika and he took her to her room .

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