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Next day

Mallika ’s POV :

Me and Kartik were watching Doraemon but suddenly someone knocks on the door .
I goes to open and saw Monica bhabhi and Basant bhai !!

Me - Welcome . Nice to see you again .

Monica - Mee too Miku .

Basant - Me three .

Then suddenly Kartik came running and hugged his parents .

Monica - Aww ... Did my boy missed me ?

Kartik hummed with a cute pout . Aww ...  he is really so cute .

Basant - You didn't missed me ?

Kartik - No ..

Basant - Why ???

Kartik - Ohho Dad !! I missed you too .

Basant bhai smiled and picked him up . And went inside . Me and Monica bhabhi also went inside too . Then Avneet , Siddharth and Sumedh also came .

Avneet - Bhabhi ..... How are you ?

Monica - Good !!

Avneet - What about you Bhai ... ?

Basant - Same ..

Monica - Ohh !!! Siddharth right ?

She said pointing towards Siddharth .

Siddharth - Ya !! Hello !! Nice to meet you both .

Basant - Congrats to both of you !! I hope you'll have a fantastic married life .

Avneet - Thanks ....

Siddharth - Thank you !!!

Ohho !!  He always talks important . Can't even let anyone rest .

Sumedh - Basant bhaii I wanna talk to you something important .

Mallika - Not now !! Can't you see they just came from a long journey . And you didn't even greeted them .

Monica - Hmm ... Miku is right .

Basant - I also agree . Sumedh , I think that you thinks about work rather than your family . Atleast spend some time with us .

Sumedh - Okay !! As you all say .

Me - Good ! Now your all sit I will bring juices for all of you .

Mallika’s POV end

Night time

Girls and boys are at different rooms and kartik was with girls .

Boys side :

Sumedh and Siddharth told everything to Basant .

Basant - So ..... It's the problem . Don't overthink anything . Just remember that God is always with them those who are good and have good deeds .

Sumedh - Hmm ....

Then someone knocks on their room door .

Sumedh - come in .

Girls with Kartik barged in their room .

Basant - Is anything wrong ?

Monica - No !!

Siddharth - Then ?

Avneet - We are going for shopping tomorrow .......

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