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Sumedh’s POV :

When Siddharth and Basant bhai started fighting with Rahul's men . I saw Rahul looking for someone . Then he said something to his men and went away . Whom he could be finding in this fore.... Wait !!! Could it be Miku ? Yeah .... But what should I do ? I don't want him to reach my Miku .

Should I call them ? But wait . There is no network . Oh God !!!

I looked at Siddharth and Basant they were still fighting . I can't go alone . I may need their help . Then I also started fighting to save some time .

When they were over . I told them everything .

Basant : Why didn't you follow him ?

Me : Because I thought that I will need your help .

Siddharth : Don't waste time here . We should move as fast as possible .

Me : Yeah .

Then we all left to the mansion .

When we reached there we saw Rahul .

Sumedh’s POV end :

Rahul : Hello baby .

Mallika : How did you get here .

Mallika asked in a cold tone .

Rahul : Don't be so rude Miku . You know I was worried for you .

Mallika : Oh really ?

Rahul : For you I even killed your husband .

Mallika eyes became wide at his mention .

Mallika : You what ??

Rahul : Ohh He is not dead yet but will be soon or maybe my men would have killed him by now .

He said moving towards her .

?? : Stop right there or else it wouldn't be better for you .

Mallika’s eyes softened as soon as it landed on him . It was Sumedh and behind him there were Basant and Siddharth .

Mallika : Sumi.....

She whispered .

Rahul : You came . Huhh !! I thought that you already died .

Sumedh : Wrong thought Mr. Rahul .

Rahul : Where are my men ?

Basant : They all already died .

Rahul : All ??

He asked in bewilderment .

Siddharth : Yeah .

Rahul : Okay !! I think now I don't have any other option left .

Sumedh was a bit surprised by his words . But Rahul smirked and the next step which he took made Sumedh and others froze .

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