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Mallika - No you guys are hiding something from me na ... Tell me the Truth . Which risk were you talking about ?

Sumedh - Nothing ..

Mallika - Then why can't this marriage happen in this one month ?


Mallika - I know that something is wrong . Better you all tell me the truth .

Avneet - Uh-h Miku it's just that we are not ready ...

Mallika - Really ?? YOU are not ready ? Who jumped in excitement yesterday knowing about her marriage ?

Avneet - No I mean Siddharth is not ready ?

Siddharth’s eyes wide opened .

Siddharth - Me-e ?? I am ready ....

Sumedh and Avneet gave him death glare and he gulped in fear .

Siddharth - I mean I was asking myself .. Am I ready ?

Mallika - Yes you are ready !! I know my brother .

Sumedh - But Mallika first listen to the one’s who are gonna marry .

Mallika - What's in listening now both are ready for this marriage ? Am I right ??

Siddharth - Ya ...

Avneet - O-okayy

Mallika - See !!! So I am going !!!!

Sumedh - Where ??

Mallika - To call Monica bhabhi and Basant bhai .....

Sumedh - Ohh okay !!

Kartik - Wait !! I will also come !!

Then Mallika and kartik left .

Sumedh - Okay !! I will drop Pandit Ji till outside ...

Then Sumedh also left with Pandit and came  back in 2 minutes .

Sumedh - So , I see that you both are so scared of Miku that you don't even go against her .

They both started laughing .

Avneet - And see who is saying this ? 😂😂

Siddharth - The one who is most scared of her ..

Sumedh - I was not scared of her . I was just ....

Sidneet - Just ??

Sumedh - Just ... Nothing mind your own work . Huh !!??

Siddharth - Okay !! Now keep these things aside and think about security .

Avneet - Security ??

Sumedh - Ya we need security to be safe from Rahul !

Avneet - Hmm...

Sumedh - Don't worry about that I will manage that .

Siddharth - Okay !!

Mallika and kartik came with a cheerful expression .

Mallika - Basant bhaiya and Monica bhabhi are coming tomorrow . Yaay !!!

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