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A boy was running around the house with a girl to find a safe place to hide . Then he saw a cupboard which was kept empty . He quickly went inside it with the girl and shut it but not completely . Then he said .

Boy : Shh... Do not utter a word okay ? Otherwise he will find us . *whispered*

That girl nodded her head cutely .

Then they both heard a voice from out .

?? : Do you really think you can hide from me ? Come to me I will give you lots of chocolate .

That girl's eyes shined in excitement and was about to open the door but that boy stopped her and whispered .

Boy : No.....

That girl pouted .

?? : My dear chi.....

Suddenly someone pulled his hair and said .

??? : So now Mr. Sumedh Mudgalkar is being a child . Hmm ?

She glared at him .

Sumedh : Ouch... Miku it's hurting . I was just playing with our child . What's wrong in it ?

Mallika : Ohh !! What's wrong ?? No no it's completely okay to play with your child at 2 am . Right ?

Sumedh : Sorry Miku !!

He apologized like a child .

Both the children giggled at their conversation .
Listening to their voice Mallika understood where they are hiding . So , she quietly tip toed to them . And opened the door .
Both the children gasped .

Mallika : So here you are both Naina and Nitin .

Yes ... Sumedh and Mallika have two kids now . Nitin is of three years while Naina is of one and the half year .
They both came out and hugged their dad .

Naina : Dad ... You lossed...

She giggled and said .

Naina : Chocolate ??

Mallika : No... No chocolate for now . You already ate lot today .

Nitin : Mom is right Naina . If you eat lots of chocolates than you may hurt your teeth .

Naina : But dad said that he will give us chocolate right dad ?

Sumedh : Ofcourse .....

He was gonna say yes but Mallika glared at him and he changed his sentence .

Sumedh : No... I mean not now . I will give you that tomorrow okay ? And not only one I will give you lots of chocolate with icecream okay ?

Her eyes sparkled .

Nitin : What should I do with these two kids ?

All of them looked at him shocked .

Nitin : I.. I mean this was the dialogue mom was about to say . Right ?

They all laughed at him . Nitin also laughed with them .

Mallika : Okay !! Now Sumedh don't you have office tomorrow . Go and sleep otherwise you will be late .

Sumedh : But I am the boss right . So , it doesn't matter if I go late .

Sumedh : *whisper* But if you want I can take leave for both of us and we can plan for our third child .

Mallika’s face became red . She lightly hit his shoulder .

Mallika : You will never change .

Sumedh : NEVER EVER ......


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