RULES ( By Sumedh Mudgalkar)

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Siddharth and avneet went to the dining room . There they saw Mallika and Sumedh eating their dinner .

Mallika - Thank God !!! You came back . Otherwise I thought that I have to spend my rest of the life with this creature .

Mallika said while pointing towards Sumedh .
Avneet and Siddharth chuckled .

Mallika - What were you both doing ? And avneet you went with Sumedh na ? Then what are you doing with Siddharth bhai now ?

Mallika said while raising her one eyebrow .

Avneet - Ahh.. nothing we just met in the way .

Mallika - But what took you so long , I mean sumedh came back very long time ago ...?

Avneet - I.. went to washroom after that ?

Mallika - How many more excuses will you make now ?

Avneet - About.....!!! Whatt??? I am not making excuses .

Siddharth - Ohho !!!! Ie I'll tell you truth . We both are in relationship again .

Both of them choked on their food . But Sumedh choked because of shock and Mallika choked because she was happy .

Mallika - Really ??

Siddharth - Yes!!

Mallika - Yehhh!!! Come here .... Why are you both standing there ? Come let's have dinner .

They both sat on the dining table and started having their dinner .

Avneet - Where in Kartik ?

Mallika - He was sleepy so he ate his dinner early and went for sleep .

Avneet - Oh okay !

Sumedh - Umm.. will he today also sleep with us ?

Sumedh asked in sad voice .

Mallika - No....

Sumedh eyes sparkled listening to her answer .

Mallika - You will again sleep on couch and he will sleep with me .

Sumedh - What ?? But just now you said that he will not sleep with us .

Mallika - I am right you said ‘ us ’ and he will sleep with me not ‘ us ’.

Sumedh - Okay *sad pout*

After dinner .

Sumedh - Hey !! Listen you love birds .

Siddharth and Avneet turned towards Sumedh knowing that he is calling them .

Sumedh - Don't roam in my house with your hands in each other . Maintain as much as distance possible . Don't do that so called kisses in my house . And .....

He was cutted off by Mallika .

Mallika - And what Mr. ??

Sumedh - Ohh miku !! I was telling them the rules that they have to follow in my house .

Mallika - My ??? Excuse me !! Now this house is not only your’s but it's mine too .

Sumedh - Ya I agree but ....

He was again cut off by Mallika .

Mallika - what but ?? Listen you two lovey dovey’s

She looked towards Siddharth and Avneet who were enjoying their conversation till now .

Mallika - You both can do anything you want here . This is your house only . And yes !! I won't mind to aunt at this age !! Ok !! Enjoy !!!

Sumedh - WHAT ????

She dragged Sedh to their shared room leaving the newly couple behind laughing while grabbing their stomach .

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