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Sumedh : You know her ?

Siddharth : Of course, she is Shivya .

Sumedh : What ? Is she Shivya ?

Shivya : Yes Sumedh and I was the one who called you and informed about their kidnapping .

Basant : Ohh so you were that girl .

Shivya : Yes Basant !!

Basant : How do you know me ? We are meeting for the first time . Right ?

Shivya : Yes but I know everything . And I also know about Kinshuk’s death .

Sumedh : How ?

Shivya : That day kinshuk has also called me there but I saw there Rahul . From the starting I had doubt on him , so I followed him . There when I saw him killing Kinshuk , I couldn't stand it anymore and fell unconscious . When I opened my eyes I saw I was at hospital. So , I ran away from there . And then I started stalking Rahul .

Siddharth: Ohh now I got everything.

Shivya: If you don't mind , can I help you in this ?

Sumedh : Of course!!! You have that right . Afterall , you had also lost your love .

Shivya : Thanks !! I have a plan .

Basant : Let's discuss then .

Then they discussed the plan .

Sumedh : Nice plan . Shivya . We should handle it this way only otherwise anything wrong can happen .

Siddharth : Let's start the plan now .

Sumedh : Hmm...

Rahul's POV:

Me : Is everything okay ?

I asked my men about the girls .

Men : Yes sir . We are injecting them time to time . But they are not been eating properly and if they will not eat then the injection will not work accordingly .

Me : Hmm.. okay I'll handle them . Bring food .

I went to the place where they are tied . They were all looking pale . Monica and Avneet are still unconscious . I smirked in half victory .

Me : Hello princess . I see , you are looking exhausted . Don't worry , it will pain a little then after that you will enjoy your new life WITH ME .

Mallika : That's never gonna happen .

She said being calm and angry at the same .

Me : That time will decide .

Mallika : That's what I am saying . You are no one to decide what's gonna happen in my future .

She almost yelled making me angry .

Me : I can !! Because I will be your future husband and I will decide your every single move .

Mallika : Huh ??

Me : I don't wanna hurt you so better eat this food .

Mallika : What if I don't ?

Now I can't control .

Me : SO DON'T !!

I yelled making her finch and threw the plate at the corner and left .

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