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Siddharth was driving the car .

Shivya : Siddharth !! Stop here .

He stopped the car .

Siddharth : What happened ?

Shivya : You go I'll be there after some time .

Siddharth : Okay . Come fast .

He again started the car and drove off .

Later , his phone started ringing . He saw , it was of Sumedh . He picked up .

On the phone :

Siddharth : Hello ?

Sumedh : Where are you ?

Siddharth : At xxx place .

Sumedh : I'll join you . Just keep driving . Rahul is following you . Keep it in mind .

Siddharth : Okay .

Call end :

Basant : What did he said ?

Siddharth : He is joining us and Rahul is following us .

Basant : Then ?

Siddharth : Don't worry . I will see him if he does anything .

He speeded the car .

Siddharth looked at the rear view mirror and saw Rahul's car . He went towards Jungle . Soon Sumedh started following Rahul's car .

Sumedh : This Rahul will surely die if he did something .

Sumedh bumped his car with Rahul's car . He did this few more times and at last Rahul's car bumped in the tree . Then Sumedh went towards Siddharth’s car .

Sumedh : Go to that mansion .

He said to Siddharth who nodded in response and went away . But Sumedh stopped his car and went out towards Rahul .

Sumedh was going to check him if he is still breathing or not but before he could check him , Rahul opened his eyes and was going to stand him with knife but Sumedh backed off .

Sumedh : Thank God that you are still alive otherwise I thought that you died before I could do anything .

Saying this he smirked .

Rahul : How could I die without killing you dear ?

Sumedh : Ohh really !! Then let's see .

Then they started fighting .

Siddharth’s POV :

I did as Sumedh said . He said to to drop Mallika , Avneet and Monica to one of his mansion which is here in the middle of the jungle .

Then after dropping them there me and Basant will go to Sumedh . As we were about to leave someone stopped us .

Mallika : Where are you going ?

Me : To sumedh .

Mallika : Where is he ?

Me : He is with Rahul . We are going to help him .

Mallika : I will also come with you .

Me : No miku you are weak you can't .

Mallika : I don't care if I said I will come then I will surely come .

Basant : But Miku what will you do there .

Mallika : I don't know I will just accompany you . What if you need my help ?

Me : No miku we are there we will handle everything . You sray here and don't worry . Hmm ?

Mallika : Okay but promise me that you all will come safely .

Me : Promise .

I said and kissed Miku’s forehead.

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