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Avneet - We are going for shopping tomorrow.....

Sumedh - What ??!! No way .... None of you are going .

Mallika - First - We are not asking you we are telling you that we are going .
Second - Do you want Avneet to wear shorts in her wedding ??

That's it . These two lines of Mallika were enough to shut Sumedh’s mouth .

Siddharth - That's also right .

Basant - But we will also come with you ?

Monica - Why ?

Basant - What why ? We also can't wear t-shirt in wedding na ?

Mallika - Okay !!!! So tomorrow morning 11 am . Done ?

All of them except Mallika - Done .

Mallika - Great . Now let's go for sleep otherwise we will be late tomorrow .

Then all of them bid goodnight to each other and went to their respective rooms .

Next day

Morning :

All of them were at shopping doing their shopping obviously .

Mallika - Umm... Now we are going at girls store okay ? You boys can go wherever you want .

Sumedh - Okay but be careful . If you find anything suspicious then just call me .

Avneet - Okay okay .

Now both of the groups separated . Now it's 5 pm and they came home .

At home

Basant - Monu ??

Monica - Hmm....

Basant - You didn't showed me your dress .

Monica - Did you showed your’s ??

Basant - Ohh !!! That's a surprise .

Monica - Same here Basu .

Basant - Okay 😔

[ Note : Imagine that engagement is done and the wedding is next week . ]

Sumedh - Bhai ?? You are still here ?

Basant - So where should be I ?

Sumedh - I mean did you talked to the wedding planner ?

Basant - Yes I've done . He called us tomorrow to decide about it .

Sumedh - Okay then .....

Time flew

[ Sorry I am very lazyyyy....... ]

It's time of Mahila Sangeet now .

Sumedh - Why ? Why ? Why ? It's cheating . Why can't I ?????


Author's note

Hello my dear readers . Hope you all are enjoying my story . I think that this story is coming to an end . What do you think about next story ? How should it be ? Please give your opinions in the comment section .

Bye bye ~~

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