What happened to Siddharth ?

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Avneet - Why all of you want me to cry ?

Sumedh - Because it's a ritual .

Avneet - It's a ritual because the bride leaves her parents and family . But here the situation is opposite . I am not going to leave anyone of you then why should I cry ?

Mallika - Point to be noticed .

Monica - She is right . There is no need to cry .

Basant - But still it's a ritual . It had to be completed .

Avneet - If you want this then okay .

Then Avneet fake cried . That also too loud to handle for all of them . All the people who were present there covered their ears with their palms and shut their eyes tightly .

After almost 15 minutes of fake crying she stopped and looked at everyone . Some of them were lying on floor unconsciously , some were dizzing their head and some were at the same position .

Sumedh spike while rubbing his both ears .

Sumedh - A-ah finally you stopped . Your sarcastic laugh is better than your cry .

Avneet smirked . But then she realised .

Avneet - Where is Siddharth ?

Mallika - He was here only . Where would have been he gone ?

Then all of them started looking for Siddharth . Avneet was about to walk and fall by hitting her legs on something more like someone . Then she saw it was Siddharth .

Avneet - Siddharth ??

All of them rushed towards them .

Mallika - Bhai ?? What happened ?

Avneet - Don't know .

Sumedh - Ohh now I understood .

Mallika - What ? Tell fast .

Sumedh - He is unconscious .

All of them made done face .

Sumedh - what ?

Monica - That we also know that he is unconscious but how ?

Sumedh - Because of Avneet's cry simple .

Basant - Hmm. Maybe .

Then Basant bring water bottle and splashed the water on Siddharth's face .

Siddharth - Aah flood flood .........

Avneet - Shut upp!!! It's not flood .

Siddharth - Ohh

Avneet - Now tell me how did you felt unconscious ?

Siddharth - Uhh I was...

Avneet - Tell me the truth only .

Siddharth gulped .

Sumedh - Ohho first let him speak .

Siddharth - I was here only waiting for all of you to end your discussion but suddenly I heard someone's cry .
That's all . After that I think I passed out .

Mallika - Avuu

Mallika showed her death glare while she smiled nervously .

Avneet - Sorry . I don't know that my voice was that shrill .

Siddharth - WHAT ?? Was it your voice ?

Avneet - Umm yeah ..

Siddharth - I-i t-hought th-hat it was a monkey .

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