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Avneet - Why are you both behaving so weird ? See I also bought dresses for you .

Mallika - Umm.. Thank-s for that but still it's wrong .

Monica - Ya !! Now don't repeat it again okay.

Avneet *mumbles* - You could have told me directly that you also wanted to go . Humph !!!

Mallika - Did you said anything ?

Avneet - Umm.. no I said okay next time I'll take you with me oops sorry I mean I'll not repeat it again .

Monica - Okay now come inside . And take those bags from bodyguards .

Avneet - But they are too much how can I ...

Mallika - Don't worry we'll help you .

Then they took those bags to Avneet’s room .

Avneet - Let's go now !!

Monica - Where ?

Avneet - Do you want to starve yourself today . Comeon let's make dinner .

Mallika - No need Sumedh is making it .

Avneet - Oka... WAIT !!! WHAT ?????

Monica - Sumedh is making today's dinner .

Avneet - Really?

Mallika - Yeah

Then they narrated Avneet what happened .

Avneet - Now I am really regretting going for shopping I missed this argument.

Mallika - What I was saying that ...

Monica - Tell Miku?

Mallika - Actually I am thinking to forgive Sumedh and give him a second chance .

Avneet - That’s a great idea !!

Monica - And what about proposing him .

Mallika - Yeah that also...
Wait !! What did you said ? Propose him and that me ??
No way !!

Monica - Don't lie Miku I know you are thinking this too .

Avneet - Oh my God !! See Mikupie is blushing.

Mallika - Shut up !!

Monica - So tell me when are doing this ?

Mallika - I was going to do this but suddenly that news of Shivu dii missing came and I was not able to say anything to him .

Monica - Don't worry we will surely find her and you know what you should say this to Sumedh as soon as possible because we don't know what can happen in the very next moment .

Avneet - You are right .

Mallika - Hmm... So when should I ?

Monica - Tomorrow??

Avneet - Done ??

Mallika - Done .......

Avneet - Yuhuu !!!!

Monica - Yaah !! You don't shout .

Then the door bell rung .

Monica - I think it's Basu and Sid let's see .

They hurriedly went to them but they were with a sad face .

Mallika - What happened? Did you find Shivu dii ? And why are you both with a sad face ?

Siddharth - Sorry Miku but we can't find her today but I promise we will find her as soon as possible .

Mallika’s face was pale but she managed to smile and said .

Mallika - It's okay I believe you will .

Basant tried to change this topic .

Basant - BTW are you done with dinner I am so hungry .

Monica - Yeah how can we tell ?

Avneet - When your dear brother is making today's dinner .

Basant - What ? You mean Sumedh ? You mean S.U.M.E.D.H ?

Monica - Yeah !! Who else .

Siddharth - Then I am sure that today he will burn this house .

All of them giggled .

Sumedh *shouting from kitchen* - Dinner is ready come fast .

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