Propose .....

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Avneet’s POV :

The bottle spinned and again stopped at me .

Ohhnoo!!! Not again !!!

I can see through the corner of my eyes Mallika smirked .

What is she gonna do now ??

Mallika - Soo..., what do you take ???.... Truth or dare ????

If I'll take truth then she will ask the same question what she asked before . Then I will embarrassed in front of Siddharth . No no no .... I'll take dare now .

Me - Dare .

Mallika - Good choice . Umm.. kartik can you please bring water for me ..!!??

Kartik - Sure chachii..

Why did she send kartik away . I can't tell what's in her mind but I am afraid .

Mallik - So , avneet as you said before that you love someone . Then propose him .

Me and Siddharth - Whattt ???

Why did Siddharth shouted ??

Mallika - Any problem Siddharth bhaii ??

Siddharth - What .?? No no no !! Why there will be problem . You continue .

Me - Butt he is not here ....

Mallika - Then what were you thinking that I will tell you to propose my brother .

Me - Noo

Mallika - Then call him and propose .

Me - Bu---

My sentence got cut by the door opening . And there was sumedh bhai .

Thank Godd!!!!

Avneet’s POV end :

Siddharth ’s POV :

Avneet was about say something but the door opened revealing Sumedh .

Sumedh - Avneet ... I wanna talk to you something .

Avneet - Say!!!

Sumedh - Personally ....

When he said personally I started doubting . Then avneet goes with sumedh and then kartik appeared with a glass of water .

Kartik - Chachiii... Water ...

Mallika - Awww.. thank you kartik ..

Kartik - Mention not ....

Me - Mallika ... I am coming in 2 minutes .. okay ??

Mallika - Okay ...

I got out from the room and started following both of them . They goes to a room more like a office . May e Sumedh’s home office .

Avneet - What happened bhai ? Is everything okay ?

Sumedh - Noo.. Nothing's ok ....

Avneet - What happened ?? Explain me everything .

Sumedh - I have sent my men to watch over Rahul and when he came back ke told me that .......

Then he told everything to Avneet . But he doesn't know that I was also listening to them . But I can't believe Rahul is the reason of my brother's death . And me and mallika thought that it was sumedh . We were wrong . And he also said that Rahul was also talking about a new plan . What it could be ..????

Avneet - Bhaii.... I knew it that something was fishy . But didn't knew that the whole thing was fishy . We should do something before Rahul do his evil plan .

Sumedh - You are right ?? But what can we do .? Should we tell this to Siddharth and Mallika ????

Avneet - We should .... But I don't think that it will work . Because they don't trust us now .

Me - I have trust in you .

I came out from the hiding place and stood in front of them .

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