Someone ?

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Siddharth’s POV :

We came out immediately and went towards Sumedh . After sometime when we reached there , we saw Sumedh defending himself . Basant was about to go but I stopped him as he said .

Basant : Let me go . He needs us .

Me : No .... Look around .

He did as I said .

Basant: What is this ?

Me : They are Rahul's men probably . Waiting for him to give them a sign and they will also join this fight .

Basant : But we are only 3 and they are many .

Me : We don't have any other choice too . Here there is no network but let me see once again .

I said and checked my phone and sigh .

Me : No network .

Then only we saw Rahul pointing at something and soon his one man came from Sumedh’s behind and was going to hit him with rod . But.....

But Basant caught it on time . I also went there .

Basant : You think you can defeat us by hitting from behind .

Me : Never .

Rahul : Ohh see now who came to rescue their friend .

All of his men including him started laughing like a maniac .

Basant : You can laugh how much you can because afterwards when my fist will come in contact with your jaw then you will not be able to laugh again .

Rahul stopped and looked at him seriously .

Rahul : This much attitude . Well , then let me show you your place .

He signed his men and they came forward to beat Basant .

Basant : Do you really want them to die ? If yes then I don't have any problem they are just like a toy for me .

He said and started beating them like nothing . Even I can see Rahul’s face . He was shocked how he was hitting his well trained men .

Siddharth’s POV end :

Rahul's POV :

Me : Don't you have shame ? What are you looking at ? Go and help my men .

I said to my other men . They were standing like statue and watching them .

I really need to do something . Otherwise I will lose Mallika .

Mallika ??

Where is she ???

I need to find her .

I signed to one of my men and said .

Rahul : You be here I will come in few minutes .

I said and walked past by him . But little do I know that SOMEONE has seen me .

Rahul's POV end :

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