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Rahul is right now on his way to office which is now of Sumedh .

Time skips --

Rahul reached at the office but the guards weren't allowing him to enter .

Rahul : What the hell are you doing ? You are my guards did you forget . I order you leave my way right now .

Guard : Sorry sir . But we were your guards not now . And we can't let you in , we need to ask our sir .

Rahul : Then ask him already . I can't wait.

Then that guard asked Sumedh and he allowed him to enter . Then he entered in his cabin .

Sumedh : Welcome . Nice to meet you .

Rahul : Why did you did this ?

Sumedh : I think you know why let's talk about how ?

Rahul : Spill it out .

Sumedh : Actually , you don't know that your one TRUSTWORTHY man was my man .

Rahul : Who ?

Sumedh : Your secretary.

Rahul : What ??

Sumedh : Yes . He is my childhood friend , Rishabh . So that's the reason I could harras your business .

Rahul : I will kill you .

But suddenly he smirked .

Rahul : I think you forget that those three girls are still with me .

But Sumedh chuckled and said .

Sumedh - You can't because till now my men would have rescued them .

Rahul : What ???  I will see you later .

He glared at him and went out .

Shivya’s POV :

Finally, we came to the basement where they are after defeating some of the Rahul's men . Me , Siddharth and Basant are here .

Mallika : Sh-ivuu dii

Shivya : Yes miku . We should go from here as soon as possible .

Then I started to untie them .

Mallika : I can't !!

Shivu : You can Miku stand up and try . You are strong .

Miku tried to stand up but couldn't she always fall . What should I do now ??

Shivu : Siddharth?? Come here fast .

Siddharth came .

Siddharth : What happened ? Let's go !!

Shivya : She is not able to walk . Can you please help .

Siddharth : Sure !!!

Then he picked up Mallika in bridal style and went out .
We all say in the car and started driving .

Shivya’s POV end

Rahul's POV :

I have kept GPS tracker in Mallika’s clothes . I know where are they . Now I will see who will stop me .

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