Part -3

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Mallika - What bhaiya  😳😳. No..tthi..ngg. like thaat.. 😳.
Siddharth - Really ? 🧐🧐. Don't lie to me miku .
Mallika - Yes bhaiya . There is a boy in my college named Sumedh . I fell in love with him 😍😍.
Siddharth - Yaayy 🥳🥳. Now I will have a brother in law. So get ready , we are going to his home to discuss about your marriage .
Mallika - Whatt ?? No no no , I didn't even proposed him . First let me understand what he feels for me , then we will discuss about marriage . Okay bhaiya ?
Siddharth - As you wish my dear miku .
Mallika - Tomorrow I will propose him in the college 🥰🥰.
Next day in college.
Mallika - How will I propose him ? I didn't even thinked about that . Leave , at first I should tell this to Monica .
At garden she founded Monica.
Mallika - Monica , listen I have a thing to tell you .
Monica - What ?
Mallika - I am in love with Sumedh 😍😍🥰🥰.
Monica - Really ? 🥳🥳 Then you should propose him .
Mallika - I am also thinking about that but I don't know how to propose .
Monica - Ohoo. I will help you na . Just listen ......
Mallika - Thank you ❣️. You are really my bestie .
Monica - Okay okay . Now leave for preparations.
Mallika - Okay 👍
Then mallika started doing the preparations to propose sumedh . All were set . Then mallika called sumedh .
Mallika - Hello sumedh .
Sumedh - Hii mallika .
Mallika - Can you please come in the college garden . Please 🥺 .
Sumedh - Okay sure . I am coming .
Mallika - Thank you 😘😘 .
When sumedh reached . He saw the garden very beautifully decorated with flowers and lights . And no one was there . He started calling mallika .
Sumedh - Mallika ... Mallika .... Where are you ???
Mallika - Sumedh .
Sumedh looked behind . He saw mallika sitting on her knees with a bouquet 💐 .
Mallika - Sumedh , the day when I saw you just fell in love with you or else I should say I rise in love with you . Will you be mine ?? I love you soo much .
Sumedh - ( fake tears ) ohh mallika . I love you too .
He made her stand and hugged her . She hugged back too .
Sumedh - ( in his mind ) My plan is being successful 😏😏 . Only some I need to break you my dear Siddharth 😏😏 .
Everyone present there clapped . Then they both separated . They blushed looking at each other .
Mallika at her home .
Mallika - I am very very very.... happy 🥳🥳🥳. He accepted my proposal . Yayy !!!!
Siddharth and Kinshuk also became very happy after listening this .
Mallika - Bhaiya , now I want to spend some time with my love 😘😘.
Siddharth - Okay miku . You can .

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