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Some men came and pointed their guns towards them . Their bodyguards covered them and pointed their gun at them too .

Men 1 : Just go away and give them to us ! We will spare you .

Bodyguard 2 : Same for you .

Men 2 : Oh ! Do you really think you can fight back to us .

Then suddenly one of their bodyguard kicked th and their guns fell from their hand and they started fighting . Meanwhile some of the men were approaching Monica , Mallika and Avneet but --

Avneet : Oh Mr. ! Don't you dare to think of us as an ‘abla naari’ otherwise we will make you tabla and will play with you .

Mallika : But I want to play violin .

Monica : And me piano .

Men : Shut up !! I am not a musical instrument.

Avneet : But we can make you . Get ready .

Then Avneet kicked his main part .

Monica : Oops !! Nice shot Avneet *winks* .

Avneet : Thanks !! Careful Miku !!!

Someone was coming towards Mallika when Mallika turned around and gave a tight slap to him . He fell on the ground unconscious.

Avneet : Wooh !! That was hard .

Monica : This game seems too interesting. I also want to beat them .

Mallika : See one fool is coming beat him and taste him this sand .

Then Monica kicked in his stomach .

Men : So-oryy did-ii !!

Monica : Get lost you uncle of my son .

Avneet : That was savage .

Monica : *smirks* I know !!

But suddenly --

?? : How shameful !! You can't even do a simple thing .

They all turned towards this voice and were shocked to see .....

Mallika - Rahul ?? You .... ??

Rahul - Yes babe .

Monica - You shut you dirty mouth .

Rahul - Who are you ?? Ohh I see ... Umm.. Monica right ? Wife of Basant .
Well !!! Nice to meet you and you too Avneet and my baby Miku .

Mallika - Why are you talking like this Rahul ?

Avneet - Miku you don't know anything about him actually he ......

Rahul - Don't be too fast . Let me tell her . But first let's go to my house . Hmm?? Let's go !

Monica - Do you really think we will come with you ?

Rahul - Umm.. No . But don't worry I have one solution . Max ??

He shouted suddenly someone cam from behind them and made all of them unconscious including bodyguards . Rahul took you in his arms and ordered his guards to bring Mallika and Avneet to his house .

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