Fixed by ME ??

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Next morning :

Mallika’s POV

I opened my eyes and tried to stand up but I failed then I saw Sumedh’s hand in my waist and his one leg on my thighs .
I chuckled at his behaviour.
I tried to remove his heavy body from me but failed .

Me - Sumedh ???
Sumedh ???
SUMEDH !!!!!??

I yelled near his ear .

Sumedh - Wh-ha- What happened ?

Me - Nothing ....

Sumedh - Then why did you shouted ?

Me - To wake you up .

Sumedh - Why di you make me up and that also this early morning ?

Me - First - what do you mean by this early morning ? It's 5 am . Don't you wanna get ready for Avneet’s haldi .
Second - You were sleeping keeping your heavy hands and legs on me and because of that I can't even wriggle that why I woke you up .

He blushed listening my second point . WHY ???

Sumedh - So-oryy...

Me - It's okay now get up . I am going to bathroom, you go and check others .

Sumedh - They might be sleeping.

Me - I bet they are not like you .

Giving end to the conversation I walked away from him .

End of Mallika ’s POV

Sumedh - What did she mean by that ?

??? POV

Man - Boss ??

??? - Hmm...

Man - Did you heard about it ?

??? - What ?

Man - Siddharth is getting to Sumedh’s sister today .

??? - I know .

Man - Then it's a great chance for you to take revenge from them .

??? - *evil laugh*

Man - What happened boss ?

??? - Ohh sorry !! I didn't tell you about this . Actually this wedding is fixed by ME .

??? POV end

Time skips :

Haldi was also done .

And ladies started ......
( I think you all know , but for those who don't know )


( We shouldn't hear someone's talk 🤫 so let's go from here to aur boys side )

Sumedh - Siddharth?? Don't you think that it's too early .

Siddharth - What ?

Sumedh - Your marriage .

Siddharth - I am young now ? Why ?

Sumedh - No not like that . 1 month ago there was no sign of it .

Siddharth - That's true !!

Basant - but you know some special things happen suddenly . Am I right Sumedh ?

Sumedh - Why are you asking me ?

Basant - You have experienced it na ?

Sumedh - What are you talking about ? I can't understand .

Basant - Arrey !!! Your marriage . That was also happened suddenly na ??

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