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Avneet - 😳

Rest of them burst into laughing while holding their stomach .

Avneet - How can you think of me like that ? I am your newly wedded wife and you ?? Can't even say her voice sweet . You never complimented me . Today also did you said that You are looking beautiful . Never . I --

Siddharth - You are so beautiful my love that my words also feel shy infront of you and that's why they never came out of my mouth .

They both were so lost into each other's eyes and everyone present there was in aww .

Sumedh - I can't figure out what happened to nowadays boys and girls . They never care about their surroundings and starts doing their personal things here .

Mallika - And see !!! Who the one is saying that ? Huhh !!!

Sumedh - What do you mean by that ? I never did these things in a public place .

Mallika - And you can't even do that .

Sumedh - Why ? Do you want me to do that ?

Mallika - What ?

Sumedh - The thing which you are saying .

Mallika - What did I said .

Sumedh - You s--

Monica - Ohho ! Will you please shut up ?? We are really tired after this long function but I think you both are not . So , kindly get into your room and continue whatever you were doing here . I am going . Good morning .

Basant - I am also going.

Sidneet - We are also going .

Then everybody started leaving .

Sumedh - Shall we go now ??

Mallika - Huh ?

Time skip ~~

All of them were sitting in the living room and talking but suddenly Siddharth’s phone rang .

Siddharth - Excuse me !!

Saying this he left . After few minutes he came . But this time he was looking pale and everyone noticed that .

Mallika - What happened bhai ?

Siddharth - ........

Mallika - Bhai ?? Tell na !! What happened ? Who was in the call .

Siddharth - It was .... from the hospital......

Avneet - Hospital ???

Siddharth - Yeah !! The hospital where .... Shivya was admitted .

Sumedh - So what about that ?

Siddharth - They called me to tell about Shivya that she came out of coma and --

Mallika -  SHE IS AWAKE!!! I knew it that she will come out of come easily . Bhai please I want to meet her . Please take me to the hospi---

Siddharth - No !!! They called me to tell that she is awake but......

Mallika - But ??

Siddharth - SHE IS MISSING!!!

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