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All of them are in their rooms now , except Sumedh .
Mallika’s pov:
I just came out from washroom after a little shower but Sumedh is still not here . Leave it , why do I care . And suddenly door opened revealing Sumedh. Totally....... Drunk..... How can he drink ? He never touched alcoholic drinks till now . Did he started drinking after I left him . No no no no noo.... He can't . I was in my imaginary world but soon it was broken by Sumedh’s voice .
Sumedh - H..eeyy.... Who.. arrrreee y..ouuuu... ?? W-whatt are you.. dooiing in my rooommm..?
Mallika- Excuse me !! Mr. Sumedh Mudgalkar !! This is not your room only . It's mine too.
Sumedh - How... do. y.ouu.. knoww... mmyy. nammeee...?
Mallika - Because I am your WIFE.....!!!
(What did I just said now , you are out of mind mallika . Control yourself . You are his only so called wife . Remember , you didn't accepted him as your husband till now . )
Sumedh - But... I.. don't..  know.. If you.. arree ... saying than I will... believe.. you .
Mallika - Now sleep quietly .
Sumedh - But just.. now.. you.. said.. thatt... we...are husband... wife..
Mallika - So ??
Sumedh - So .. let's celebrate our first... night...
Mallika - Whatt ? But we are married three days ago .
Sumedh - But till... where I... remember I haven't celebratee..d my.. first night . Let's start it baby...
After saying this he started coming close to me and I started going backwards .
Mallika - S.u..medh.. you are not in your sense now . Better don't dare to do this otherwise ....
Sumedh - Otherwise...??
Mallika - Otherwise ..... I.. will.... Haa... I will tell Monica dii about this .
Sumedh - As your wish darling ! But tomorrow . Today you are mine .
Mallika - No way , I am calling Monica dii .
After saying this I started searching for my phone then i found it on the bed laying next to my pillow I quickly grabbed it and started dialing the number but the next moment I saw that the phone is with Sumedh , as he grabbed the phone from my hand .
Mallika - What the hell ??!!! Give me back my phone .
Sumedh - I said na that you can call her tomorrow . Today's day is mine . And your luck too .
Mallika - You are crossing your limits sumedh . Stay away from me . I haven't forgave you yet . I didn't accept you till now . So , you can't do anything with me without my permission .
But suddenly he pinned me to the wall .

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