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Mallika - Why ?? Why this always happens with me ? My heart knows and I too know that I love sumedh and will always be in love with him . But circumstances will not let us be one . I can't be of someone else's and nor sumedh too because I can't marry my brother's killer . Whyy ?? 😭😭
The day passed like this . Next day , Rahul went to Sumedh .
Sumedh - Why do you came here Rahul ?
Rahul - To tell you a good news .
Sumedh - Which good news ??
Rahul - Ohh sorry sorry !! Good news is for me , for you it's a bad news .
Sumedh - What do you want to say ?
Rahul - Relax bro !! I am telling . So bad news for you is , Mallika’s marriage is fixed with me .
Sumedh - No , you are lying . 😥😥
Rahul - I knew that you will not believe me . So here it is , take it .
Rahul showed Sumedh his and Mallika’s wedding card . Sumedh was hell shocked 😱😱 .
Rahul - Ohh poor Sumedh . I know that you love her . But she don't love you , she just hate you . So it's better for you to stay away from her , she's mine , only mine . Don't dare to come in between us . Just keep a distance from us .
Sumedh - 😓😓.
Then Rahul left .
Sumedh - ( in mind ) Is my mistake is that much big that is marrying some other guy only in 1 month . I am not feeling good I am going for a walk .
Saying this he left for walk . But , in the way he saw Rahul talking to someone on call . He started listening to his talks .
Rahul - ( on call ) Hello . Everything is done bro . Now , I am only waiting for our marriage . Then , everything will be in my hand . As I will Mallika as my wife , oops sorry my slave .
After listening slave word for Mallika Sumedh was fuming in anger .
Rahul - ( on call ) After having Mallika in my control , Siddharth will automatically come in my trap . Then I will spend one night with Mallika and then will leave her but after taking the property of her . Them I will be the king of mafia as Sumedh has left mafia after being rejected by her lover Mallika and every person will be under me ( evil laugh ) .
Sumedh was just becoming angry by his word by word and was just trying to control himself . Then Sumedh left controlling his anger .
Sumedh - Now how will I save my Mallika from this bastard . I have to think something .
Avneet came . Sumedh told everything to Avneet .
Avneet - I have an idea .
Sumedh - What ? Tell fast .
Avneet - ( Secret 🤫)
Sumedh - Whatt ?? I can't do this . She already hates me . After that what will she think about me 😢😢.
Avneet - But we don't have any other option because her wedding is this week only . Listen bhai , if you really love her then you have to this . You can't give her to that Rahul after knowing everything .
Sumedh - You are right . But we can also tell this directly to them .
Avneet - Bhaii , you do think that they will believe you ?
Sumedh - You are right . Now only this option is left .
Time skipped . Now it's the time of Mallika’s marriage . She was getting ready for her marriage and was continuously thinking about Sumedh . Then suddenly she remembered one thing .
Flashback :
Mallika - Sumedh 🥰🥰
Sumedh - Yes Mallika
Mallika - You know , what am I thinking ?
Sumedh - How will I know this Mallika ?
Mallika - Okay , so I will tell you what am I thinking . I am thinking about our marriage .
Sumedh - What ?? I mean there is time for it .
Mallika - I know , but I am just thinking about it , that how will our marriage rituals be done . First our engagement , then my mehendi , then haldi and then our marriage . Then I will always become of your’s . You know I am eagerly waiting for that moment .
Sumedh - Hmm..
Mallika - What hmm ?? Are you not waiting for it ?
Sumedh - No... I... me..ann Yess I am also waiting .
Mallika - ☺️☺️
Flashback ends :
After remembering this Mallika had a lone tear escaped from her eye but she removed it by her hand .

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