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Mallika’s POV :

Why didn't they came till now ? Is everything okay ? And Shivu dii ? Where had she gone ? Shall I go there ? No no no I have promised not to go there . But I am afraid . What if something ha.... Don't think negative Mallika . Be strong and think strong . I believe them they will come safely . And moreover Sid had also promised me . But still .....

Avneet : What happened Miku ?

She asked me obviously because fear is clearly written all over my face and I am continuously moving from place to another in anxiety .

Me : N-nothing .

I lied .

Avneet : Don't hide something from me .

She understands me very well .

Me : I .... am afraid .

Monica : Don't be . We are here with you right .

Me : I don't care for myself . I am worried about them especially.........him.

They both smiled at my words .

Avneet : Someone is showing care .

She teased me .

Me : Not at this time please .

Avneet : Ohhoo I am just refreshing your mood .

Me : But I am not in the mood to refresh my mood .

Monica : What ?

Me : Ohh God !!! What am I even saying ? Can I go there ?

Monica : Where ?

She knows where am I taking about . But still she is acting like she doesn't know .

Avneet : Honeymoon ?? Yeah !!!!

Monica : Really ? But you should ask this to Sumedh and not for permission but for the place where you should go because definitely he will not deny .

Me : Please ......

I am at the verge of crying . I sat on my knees . They both came towards me and said .

Avneet : I ... am really sorry Miku . I was just kidding . See !!!

Monica : You wanna go there ?

I nodded my head in agreement .

Monica : But you have promised Siddharth right not to go anywhere . Then ??

Me : But why didn't they came till now ?

Monica : Maybe they are still dealing with Rahul .

Me : What if something bad hap.......

My sentence was cut off with a loud sound of shutting the door .

Avneet : Maybe they came .

I quickly got up and went outside . But what I saw made my eyes widen . It was ......


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