Marriage ??

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Another day :

Mallika - Avu , Sid bhai ???

Sidneet - Hmm ??

Mallika - Can you do me a favour ?

Siddharth - Tell ..

Mallika - Can you marry ?

Siddharth , Avneet and Sumedh ’s eyes wide opened .

Sumedh - That can't happen .

Mallika - Who are you to tell this ?

Sumedh - What ?? I am Avneet’s brother .

Mallika - That doesn't matter . Do it Avneet ?

Avneet - Umm.. No .

Mallika - See .....

Sumedh - Avu ?? What is this ? I doesn't matter to you anymore ?

Avneet - No

Sumedh - Why ??

Avneet - What why ? Do you invited me at your wedding ?

Siddharth - Ohh yaa !! What a point .

Mallika - So you both are ready for marriage right ?

Siddharth - Yupp !!

Avneet - Yo !!

Mallika - So Sumedh tell Pandit Ji to come tomorrow .

Sumedh -  Okay Mam !!

Mallika - Good !!

Time skips :

Mallika - Sumedh ? Did Pandit Ji came ?

Sumedh - Yeh !! Just coming .

Then Pandit Ji came but he was stopped by the guards and they started checking him .

Mallika - Sumedh , see what are the guards doing stop them .

Sumedh - Why ? they are doing their duty .

Mallika - Duty ?? Checking a Pandit is your guards duty !?? Waah !!

Sumedh - So what he may have dangerous weapons with him .

Mallika - He is a Pandit why will he have weapons ?

Sumedh - There's a point that he can be any member of a gand disguised in a Pandit look . You dumb girl .

Mallika - Yaah !! Whom do you called dumb girl you crackhead !!!!

Sumedh - Who is crackhead ??

Mallika - Ofcourse you !!!!

Siddharth - Ohho !! Why are you both fighting like a child ? See kartik , he is more mature than you both .

Avneet - See now Pandit Ji came come ...

They all get seated with Pandit Ji .

And Pandit Ji started doing his work .

( Don't comment anything I seriously don't know what he does . )

Mallika - Umm Pandit ji what is the day of marriage ?

Pandit Ji - Ohh , the marriage should happen in this month only otherwise there is no date of marriage in other five years .

Avneet - What ?? Five years !! No no no I can't wait for five years .

Sumedh - Avi I think we should wait for five years .

Siddharth - Sumedh is right , we can't risk .

Avneet - Hmm that's true .

Mallika - What is about risk in this ?? It's only marriage .

Kartik - Comeon we will enjoy na ?

Mallika - But what are you talking about ?

Siddharth - Nothing !!

Mallika - No you guys are hiding something from me na ... Tell me the truth . Which risk were you talking about ??

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