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Next day :

Mallika , Monica and Avneet got ready . Actually No one is at home except Kartik . So they decided to go to market to buy the necessary things needed to surprise Sumedh .

Mallika : Are you ready ?

Monica : Yeah . Let's go .

Avneet : No no no one minute .

She said while applying liner .

Mallika : Oh God !! How muchore time now ?

Avneet : And ..... it...... is......... done..
How am I looking ?

Monica : Can't tell if YOU have applied makeup or makeup have applied YOU !!!

Mallika : Hahaaaa !!

Avneet : Just tell if I am looking good or very good ?

Mallika : Superb !!

Avneet : I knew it ! Let's go now !!

Mallika : Yeah ! But are bodyguards also coming with us ?

Monica : Of course !! We can't take risk .

Mallika : Of what ?

Avneet : Umm.. anything we have lots of enemies and we can't trust them .

Mallika : Okay but you all *pointing towards all bodyguards* Don't you dare to tell anything to Sumedh . We are gonna surprise him . You understood ??

Bodyguards : *gulp* Yes mam !!

Mallika : *giggled* Good boys !!

Avneet : Let's go now otherwise my makeup will be ruined .

Then they all went for shopping . Mallika buy many things for Sumedh like bouquet , dresses and bought one locket too .

 Mallika buy many things for Sumedh like bouquet , dresses and bought one locket too

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Mallika : Huh !! Shall we go now ! We have to arrange the house too .

Monica : Yeah . But you forget something .

Mallika : What ?

Avneet : Areee !! Cake ??

Mallika : Yeah !! Let's buy it fast .

Rahul's POV :

Rahul's man : Sir , our man find out that Mallika , Monica and Avneet they all three are gone out with their bodyguards .

Me : Wooh !! What a great news you gave me !! Then why should we wait . Let's go .

Rahul's man : Sure Sir !!

The man left .

Rahul : Don't worry Miku you'll soon be mine .

Mallika’s Side :

Mallika - Ohh God !! I am so tired .

Monica - Hmm... Let's go home as soon as possible.

Bodyguard 1 : Mam I think we should leave now . I am feeling like someone is watching us .

Mallika - Huh !!?

Bodyguard 2 : Yes mam !! You go I will inform Boss !!

Mallika - No no no !! Don't inform him we will just leave . Let's go .

They all were about to sit in car but some men came and pointed gun towards them .

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