Where are they ?

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Then Sumedh , Basant and Siddharth with their men reached the place where they were kidnapped . They saw their men trying to get up . They rushed to them .

Sumedh : Are you guys okay? Take them to the hospital .

Men : We are okay sir , it's just we were unconscious. Sorry sir , he took the ma'am .

Siddharth : It's okay . We will find them .

Basant : We should be fast .

Sumedh: Hmm...

Mallika’s POV :

I opened my eyes with a slight headache . I was about to get up but I couldn't . How ?? I aw an unfamiliar place . It's all black here . I am .... tied to the chair where are Monica di and Avu ? I saw at my side they were also tied in chair but we're little far from me . I can't even speak something as they have covered our mouths too . I was trying to free myself when the door opened indicating that someone is coming towards . As the room was dark I was not able to see his face . Suddenly the lights came . I shut my eyes because of the sudden reflection of light . Suddenly he said something .

Rahul : Hello Miku !! How have you been doing ?

He opened the cloth of my mouth .

Me : You idiot . Leave us .

Rahul : I didn't brought you here to leave you .

Me : What do you even want from us ?

Rahul : Ohh my baby . I think that Sumedh kept you in dark . You don't even know the whole story .

Me : What are you talking about ? Which story ?

Rahul : Keep patience Miku . You will come to know everything . You can ask this from these two girls also . And you know I have lots of work to do. So , bye bye for now .

Saying this he left . Then I started calling their name to wake them up . And finally they woke up .

Monica : Miku ?? Are you okay ?

Avneet : Yeah and where the hell are we ?

Me : I am fine and I guess we are at his mansion .

Monica : Oh God !!

Me : Dii ? Please tell what is going on ? He was telling that Sumedh kept me in dark . Please explain everything to me . Please .

Monica : Actually Miku ......

Mallika’s POV end :

Sumedh’s POV :

We are planning right now how to save them . Suddenly someone called me .

Me : Hello !!

?? : Hii !! Mr. Mudgalkar .

That's it . He knew who is he .

Sumedh : You ! Where are the hell are you ? You don't have any guts to facee that's why you did this on my back .

Rahul : Relax . My called you to inform this only . But feels like you came to know before I tell you .

Sumedh : Where are you ?

Rahul : If you have guts then find me .

Saying this he cutted the phone .

Basant : Who was that ?

?? : Rahul ?? I guess .

Siddharth : You ??

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